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Advice on sexy texts

Okay, where do I start? I’ve been seeing this man now for a little while, and we started going out on dates just before the country stood still! It was really going great, lots of good food and wine, conversation flowing, flirting, holding hands… I was so eager to see him again! And finally ready to take the next step and be intimate with each other, I cannot even begin to explain the levels of excitement and anticipation. And then WHAM, the virus takes over the world and we can’t meet up. It’s driving me literally insane, I’ve never wanted to see someone so desperately in my life before - it’s crazy. Especially since I was holding off on our first few dates, you know, to build up the suspense. The chemistry is undeniable and I cannot wait to see him again, but in the meantime, he’s been sending me some rather dirty messages, my only problem is, I don’t think I’m terribly good at this all sex text thing. Does anyone have any tips?

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Comments (101)

Sandypops - 26 Sep, 2023 - 02:17AM

Everyone's points are valid. Surely none of us here are in a position to judge anyone else.
But if you're not comfortable with it, you have to say. Don't be bullied into doing something you don't feel comfortable with. Be true to yourself, always.

If you get turned on by receiving sexy texts, explore it.

Personally I love a good sexting session. Or 'phone sex. Beats playing solo any day of the week. If that makes me no better than a sex-line worker, so be it. It's crossed my mind I could do that as a career 🤣

And, if you want to explore sexting, just imagine what
you'd be doing when you get intimate together. Set the scene, imagine what your senses are picking up on, and get typing. If you're sexting with someone who is of a similar mindset, you'll bounce off each others messages in no time 😉

Most importantly, have fun and enjoy it.

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Sandypops - 26 Sep, 2023 - 01:55AM

Never try and be the person you think someone wants you to be .... always be yourself and be true to yourself. Then you'll find someone who appreciate you for you.

1529050 - 25 Sep, 2023 - 12:31PM

I guess this post is hardly relevant now, as we are back to normality.

Not everyone is up for sexy texting and I feel for me I need to know someone well and have met them IRL I do not like over familiar texts with someone I barely know.

If you know them well and there is a connection it will all come naturally.

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1624162 - 25 Sep, 2023 - 08:44AM

I have been married for too many years and I have not got a clue where or when to start sexy chats, it’s not just the content it’s the timing as well imho. There should be an online class on how not to be a creep but still come across as willing to make her feel desired and sexy but not desperate and pervy.
Apart from trusting your gut feelings I feel vulnerable in this new world, slightly afraid that I will put off my perfect match by trying too hard to be somebody I think they want rather than the person I am
Yes we all want a physical relationship and that could be holding hands or a full blown affair but I guess it’s just a case of laying yourself open to other peoples criticisms and go for it.

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mipaulac - 24 Sep, 2023 - 10:57PM

Doesn't this post make the situation clear " I’ve been seeing this man now for a little while, and we started going out on dates just before the country stood still! It was really going great" The I'm not having sexual interaction for no payment in kind brigade saying this is a blind contact haven't met senario.

1623823 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 09:46PM

I’m lost here, not getting together finished ages ago………have you asked yourself why you’re not meeting?

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DefinitelyMightBe - 24 Sep, 2023 - 08:00AM

I’d be up front with him - tell him it’s not for you until you’ve actually met (hope you have now btw!), if he’s as interested in you as you clearly are of him, if like to think he’d respect that and not send you anything like that again until you’ve met.

1408586 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 07:40AM

I agree with you Eliza Boo. In an established affair it’s nice to make each other horny/cum virtually (although I don’t want to do it that often).

But helping a stranger wank is very interactive porn isn’t it. I once asked a guy on here who sent me one of those ‘help me cum’ type messages out of the blue if anyone ever replies. He said he was currently chatting to about 4 women all sending him photos for him to wank over. I bet he was using fake pics of himself too!

1588157 - 24 Sep, 2023 - 12:57AM

Paula 99

"Big Jugs Monthly"?

Are we off to the Octobetfest now then....the Dungeon trip didnt pan out as NINW dropped the keys to the coach down her cleavage. A scrum ensued as the boys tried to retrieve them and they went in the canal.

P911 make mine a stein

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Naughty in NW - 23 Sep, 2023 - 10:47PM


I am saying her comments are ok and her opinions and MO are to be respected as anyone else's. Each to their own. What's NOT ok in my view is intolerant comments like yours.

I don't disagree with you, plenty of people of both genders get off in sexting and why the hell not? You do you.

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