Perhaps a little too cheeky...?
So got a little adventurous on video chat this week discuss various different saucy topics with my new IE - including certain positions. I obviously fancy him and want to take it further but can't for now. They have left me curious however.. would I be wrong practicing them with my husband in the meantime during lockdown?
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Comments (74)
1262378 - 22 Apr, 2020 - 02:52PM
Wouldn't be much to look forward to, or if hubby plays along with the new positions why stay?
1353301 - 22 Apr, 2020 - 02:52PM
Hell no ..why would you want to experiment
With your partner if you intend sleeping with
Someone else , I couldn't the whole reason
Your on this site is to improve your sex life not
Increase it 🤔
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1361858 - 22 Apr, 2020 - 11:53AM
Now this is a really tricky one but yes, perhaps it could really work. This has really got me thinking and I have a suggestion....
Assuming that you, your husband or both are good at DIY, I would suggest purchasing a large chandelier online. When it arrives, install it carefully in your bedroom. Lie on the bed, under said chandelier, adopting the missionary position, legs akimbo. Your husband having landed on the chandelier from jumping to it from the wardrobe, carefully aims himself and leaps from it, shouting, 'Geronimo' as he lands perfectly between your legs.... :-)
851951 - 21 Apr, 2020 - 04:50PM
If you practice them with hubby during lockdown you may find you won’t need an IE after All!!
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