Do I really have a type...
Has covid made you change your preferences in what you are seeking? I’m chatting to some men I probably wouldn’t have normally gone for, and I’m feeling pleasantly surprised.
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Comments (88)
1382700 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 06:33PM
My tastes haven’t changed. I’ve always sent a message in the hope that a woman might at least check me out. Wishful thinking.
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1387952 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 04:49PM
BrownEyedGirl01 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 04:33PM
I agree, there seems to be a lot of guys using this as 'relief'. A lot of photo collectors around too.
I love a bit of filthy chat, even exchange of pictures for fun but if it's not going to lead to a physical meet then I'm just not interested x
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1389741 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 04:33PM
I think it is positive as looks can be deceiving. There is something quite sexy about getting a connection with someone without seeing them at first. And yes, I think it is opening doors to get to know people you might not of before
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1334304 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 04:33PM
I’m not sure my preference on the type of guy has changed, but my god they’re all pretty horny!
Don’t get me wrong I love a chat filled with filthy innuendos just as much as the next, but I’m actually getting a bit bored of it if that’s the main body of text every time 🙈 - maybe that means I should change my preference of guy?......
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1385386 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 03:07PM
I'm having quite a few normal conversations, probably because we all know that meeting up will be unlikely for a while. Don't think think it's changed what I'm looking for though as there's nothing wrong with a normal conversation!
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1389897 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 02:59PM
Hey all. How’s lockdown treating you all. Just rejoined today
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Curvybrunette - 06 Jun, 2020 - 02:55PM
I must go for complete players , because that’s all I seem to attract on IE 😫
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PecanPie - 06 Jun, 2020 - 02:26PM
@Renaissance66 @ExoticOrchid
I know right... 😊
There have been the good, the bad and the God knows what the F msg was that!
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1388461 - 06 Jun, 2020 - 01:18PM
I've not been on this site long (about a week) I would normally like to meet in public for a drink within a week to weed out the time wasters but due to the lockdown this is not possible so am happy to spend more time chatting online and using email, Skype or kik I won't use apps that give out my number until I'm comfortable with someone, learnt my lesson there once before.
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