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Does having an IE make you feel like you are more desirable as that was missing in your home life?

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Comments (140)

1117169 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 09:06PM


I think just about everyone reading your comment will wonder why you are on here too!

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1397808 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 06:11PM

I’m sure it would......if only I could find my Prince 😆😂😂 x

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1393228 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 05:59PM

It definitely does. And I found it did so in a different way - because desire is pretty much why we're all here, it's completely honest. And I was surprised to find that being desired by someone - as much as I did her - made me better all round. Hard to explain that feeling though...

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Kiki75 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 04:24PM

It’s not exactly missing in my home life. Sometimes I wonder why I’m on here as so far, my husband is waaay more attractive than anyone I’ve matched with. I sometimes think it’s that problem Elvis Presley had. I see my husband as a father more than a lover. It’s too intimate. Too familiar. I want to feel desired by someone who doesn’t know me. To still have the potential to be someone’s fantasy and vice versa. Probably why I’ve not had an I.E. yet 😉

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Funseeker997 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 12:48AM

IMO it’s a yes!
Obviously chemistry is a huge factor but I have found that lovers can be much more intense/honest with each other than a conventional relationship.
Perhaps it’s the “honour amongst thieves “ camaraderie or just the limited time availability.....whatever the reason it’s extremely enjoyable and gives both parties a feel good factor.

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1350989 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 11:11PM

To find someone who actually one you like and connect with, the odd message unexpectedly that puts a secret smile on your face, just lets you know that your being thought off, Two, and hopefully after you have swapped passwords doesn’t ghost you 😢

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1360266 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:05PM

Will answer when I find my IE....as that’s a big hurdle first!

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1340024 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 09:31PM

it all about the giving

1366991 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 08:23PM

Limitededition 60
I disagree if I have something in common with a guy and fancy him then what does it matter the age??

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1366991 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 08:12PM

Mmmm no I’m confident with how I look and who I am. I’m better than I was 10 years ago! I guess I’m at a time in my life when that isn’t important. But to flip the coin I like to make a guy feel good and know I desire him. It’s all about the giving right? :)

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