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I find that a work call is the best excuse to use to call my IE, how about you guys?

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Comments (82)

ExoticOrchid - 27 Nov, 2024 - 04:31PM

PBTD - 01:17PM

Well then ask yourself if you really want to interact with those who are so thrifty with their words! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Paula99 - 27 Nov, 2024 - 02:14PM

I don’t think there is such a thing as over texting …it’s better than no texting at all …you can usually hazard a guess in the beginning if they grow into the realm of random messages and the conversation is about sex straight away …this comes under the heading of a ‘sex pest’….that is the only reason for me..

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PassionateBeyondTheDesk - 27 Nov, 2024 - 01:17PM


Good point! But not always an option 😄

Cost of living crisis in the UK has impacted IE as well... I seem to come across ppl reapecting their savings with single word texts ... hence my earlier question! 😁

ExoticOrchid - 27 Nov, 2024 - 01:00PM

PBTD - 11:51AM

Re "overtexting" ... as with everything, it all depends on the individuals and the kind of IE relationship they have ... some would like it, some might not ... some might not have the time to read/reply to every text, etc, etc ... agree beforehand.

PassionateBeyondTheDesk - 27 Nov, 2024 - 11:51AM

Phone calls can be rather delightful... I tend to pace and smile a lot when having a good conversation with an IE over the phone.. so.. the excuse wouldn't serve me much. Is all about timing for me.

Slightly different question though: is there such thing as overtexting? A person who present themselves as too articulate.. can that be a turn off?

laugar164 - 25 Sep, 2024 - 04:47PM

Paula totally Agree couple of phone calls required . When are you calling me 😂

Bacchus111 - 25 Sep, 2024 - 03:46PM

I've long come to accept that women are a more cleaver and certainly more sneaky than men. That's why trying to disguise an IE conversation as a work call is asking for trouble. I have a dedicated 'naughty' phone which is always switched off when at home. That way even if my IE does a pocket dial by mistake there's no footprint on my normal phone.

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Paula99 - 10 Sep, 2024 - 06:41PM

I would never meet a guy unless I have spoken to him on the phone once or twice …
You get a real vibe from a phone conversation..👍

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AsianGent1986 - 10 Sep, 2024 - 06:26PM

Finding an excuse is someone trying to add the thrill of getting caught to escapade.

I don’t find excuses. I simply call, as and when I can or at times which are risk free. I prefer the conversations themselves to present the thrill, not the risk of f’ing up multiple lives.

Enigma.. - 02 Sep, 2024 - 10:38AM

I would never dream of meeting up with someone without having had at least one or two “safe” phone calls.

You can tell a lot about someone through having a phone conversation or two 🙂🫤.

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