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Romantic IEs

What is the most romantic thing an IE has ever done for you?

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Comments (131)

mipaulac - 28 Dec, 2023 - 12:22AM

Paula99 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:24PM
Really !?!?
So what are comments such as "But I agree there are a lot here that just want a free f***"
Such comments don't constitute a mutual loving and sexual relationship with each other, but sexploitation rather than romance ???

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Where'smySpark - 27 Dec, 2023 - 11:12PM

For my birthday, my IE booked a west end show followed by a meal in a private room at the Shard. More courses were enjoyed than were on the menu. 😈
There then followed a night in one of their rooms with champagne.
The best part of it all? It was a total surprise.

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Paula99 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:24PM


The only person that mentioned ‘ payment’ is YOU…

You need to stop reading Mills n Boon😬

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mipaulac - 27 Dec, 2023 - 09:57PM

Romance defined as "the feelings and behaviour of two people who are in a loving and sexual relationship with each other".
Not condition of payment !!!!!!

ExoticOrchid - 26 Dec, 2023 - 11:55AM

Classy as always! 🙄

1494077 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 11:08AM


Love is all around….

Paula99 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 08:51AM

Jezuz ……Mipaulac

Romance will never be dead 😔😔🎄🦃

LadyDe - 25 Dec, 2023 - 11:31PM


I almost agree … for me it’s the emotional side, so if a man wants to spread his words in butter, then 😈
But I agree there are a lot here that just want a free f*** .. I’m completely up for anything as long as they dont make me feel like a *****… I might add I want a man to feel sexy too ..
My romantic was giving my IE the remote to my egg while we sat in a bar … ok not romantic but we laughed

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mipaulac - 25 Dec, 2023 - 07:25PM

Kissed my girl friend and told her I make her feel wet and horny 😂

laugar164 - 25 Dec, 2023 - 01:48PM

Turned up 😂
Happy Christmas everyone

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