Romantic IEs
What is the most romantic thing an IE has ever done for you?
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Comments (131)
CoastalDreams - 07 May, 2020 - 11:08PM
Romance?? One can dream ... no luck so far and I’m becoming somewhat despondent!
1360475 - 07 May, 2020 - 11:03PM
Evening all
1376072 - 07 May, 2020 - 10:13PM
Hello everyone
1376072 - 07 May, 2020 - 10:11PM
MatureworcsBBW I like to join you on that x
MatureWorcsBBW - 07 May, 2020 - 09:56PM
I've had a rather luxurious picnic once, with a previous lover who I'd known for over a year.
It was late September but so warm outside.
We drove down some dead end country lane, looking back, it could so easily have been a plot for a horror movie slaying.
I just had a long dress to my ankles on.
He had a lovely short sleeved summer shirt on with stylish linen shorts.
We, mostly me, drank some bubbly.
We fed each other food and slowly got smoochy and then totally naked.
We spent quite a few hours indulging each other, right there, in the lane, in the car, on the grass, over the bonnet of the car, up against a tree and beside a little stream. Over and over and over again.
The day seemed endless.
No interruptions from anyone.
Just total, total bliss.
I'd like more of the same with someone new.
Is that someone new on on IE, I wonder?
I do hope so.
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ExoticOrchid - 07 May, 2020 - 09:50PM
Suffolk Punch - 07 May, 2020 - 09:25PM
"Was that romantic?"
Probably to her but not my idea of romance … to me, it sounds like she wants to be your slave … to each their own of course. Did you think it was romantic?
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1371999 - 07 May, 2020 - 09:49PM
For me, when I was on here before and had my initial thoughts on the person I felt attracted too, I actually met someone who I’d never of gone with let alone thought of and simple , looks are not everything , personality and chemistry is first, looks may be of value somewhat but the saying goes never judge a book by its cover, and my encounter that was so true, my encounter with an awesome lady lasted nearly a year and I and her had so much fun.
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1365194 - 07 May, 2020 - 09:25PM
In a previous life I enjoyed two years of thrills with a married lady from IE. She was very subservient and was prepared do anything for me! I am not an overtly Dominant man, but enjoyed her determination to serve.
On my birthday, off her own bat, she had a tattoo done on her lower back in the style of a Chinese character that depicted a vice. Indicative of the hold I had on her, so that whenever I took her from behind I was reminded that she was mine.
She got her husband to pay for it and told him it was just a Chinese character that she liked!
Was that romantic?
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