How do you stop yourselves from falling for your ie? I’ve been here before and fell for him only to find out he had other women from the site and was on many other sites. It ended because I wanted an exclusive long term affair. Can any of you really say you don’t get attached to your ie after many months of being together? One night stands are not for me
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Comments (127)
Kathy47 - 10 May, 2020 - 12:53PM
I’ve always been open to both
The sex and the emotional relationship should it happen
The affairs of course tend to last longer but any affair between married people can only go so far .. eventually it finds itself with no place to go and no way to grow
Which to me is fine ..We just move on x
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1376887 - 10 May, 2020 - 11:55AM
I think you can separate the two, an illicit encounter is not purely sex, it’s about having something that’s just for you. You get all their good bits and they of you. If you were together all the time, it may end up mirroring your other everyday life.
I’ve had two affairs, I liked them, but never felt I had any further feelings for them or them for me.
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Bugwithone - 10 May, 2020 - 11:54AM
It was his dishonesty that was the problem! He doesn’t sound much of a man to me! ! So no loss there,
You had some fun but you need to move on and find someone that will be honest with you! He was not worth your time and eventually he will meet his match and get his comeuppance!
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1272141 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:55AM
Its no different. If an ie becomes a significant part of your life, then thats how you live it. You dont give up an ie in the same way you cant give up your wife. Its a bond thats of its own making.
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1363423 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:48AM
My view is that maybe we should take note of the name of this site. Yes I am here seeking a mostly sexual relationship outside of my marriage, for a woman in the same sort of situation as me, where we can retain what we currently have but to also then fill that void. It is of course natural to fall for someone in the throws of passion, but you must not confused love with desire/passion.
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1374469 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:45AM
I got very attached to a married man , I got the usual I will leave her then I can’t do that till I’ve done this or I’ve done that 2 yrs later I met someone else so I tried to end it with him he was constantly calling me whilst on holiday saying he missed me he was sorry I ended up splitting from the fella I met but all I got was I can’t trust you don’t think I’ll trust you again I did try to say well your married you can’t expect me to be sitting at home on my own whilst your With your wife he didn’t think he was in the wrong as he wasn’t having a sexual relationship with her ... I just ended up switching off to him the sex between us is amazing. But there is no feeling there for him anymore I’ve learnt to separate feelings and lust
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1117169 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:44AM
@sweetsinner. Most people these days do start looking for love online actually. Its only first base of course. It can find you even if you are not looking for it and you have your guard up. Some people acknowledge that and are open to it, others like yourself are obviously not. Each to their own.
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1367873 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:26AM
If life is too short
Don't mess it up then ..
I don't mean to be harsh but seriously are you looking for love and romance on IE ?!!
Are we so desperate enough to start searching for love behind screens ?
Yeah I agree you can't help it if you fall for someone but majority of the time it's not true love it's just the excitement and adrenaline of an affair.
That's exclusively my opinion and you have the right to disagree :)
1117169 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:18AM
Sometimes you can't stop it, nor should you if that's how you both feel. Life is very short.
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1367873 - 10 May, 2020 - 10:09AM
Falling for your IE is a big no no.
Don't fool yourself thinking you will find a soulmate on these kind of websites.
We all know why we are here so there shouldn't be any room for DRAMA.
A good company yes, funny moments yes, naughty meetings yes, sharing hobbies of course but nothing beyond that if you wanna be realist.
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