Dating tips
Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an entire language.
My flirting skills are not so great... Any tips for a nice gent seeking a nice lady?
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Comments (169)
1328828 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 03:25PM
Louisav123 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 03:16PM
That sounds like abuse to me, you need to get out if you can.
Don’t give up on the site yet. There are some good guys out there who want a friendship as well as the frolics, persevere, I guarantee it will be worth it when you find him. Hugs 🤗
1352608 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 03:16PM
Emily W
I hope u are ok as a woman who has been in avery long marriage i just need some clarification. I feel I have not had a comfortable intimate relationship for a very long time but I do have sex though but only on his terms. Its rough sex with lots of biting on his part not mine.
I know now this site isn't really for me as most of men want sex and nothing else
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Mysterious 3.0 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 03:14PM
@AAGilfan makes a good point, if you choose to give yourself to someone, for a large proportion of the female population you might expect to see a bit of effort.... It does not mean that you become penpals only...
I could name and shame the scatter gun approach of male members who fail to read even the simplest characteristics in a profile...
To achieve a perfect day you will reap what you sew... (I might write a song about that... 😂)
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Lisaxoxo - 17 Jun, 2020 - 03:07PM
cornforthwhite - 17 Jun, 2020 - 01:39PM
Nice gent looking for a nice lady? Are you kidding? :-) This is a site for folks who cheat...
This comment is wrong in so many levels.
I really think you are in the wrong place and for you I would advise a sex worker.
This site is to people to connect with each other and we are entitled to choose the kind of man I want to share a secret life with.
Always a gentleman, i deserve nothing less.
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Mews0001 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:47PM
I totally agree. So have I ;-)
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AAGilfan - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:37PM
EmilyW I think you have hit on 2 important points as to why people are on here - the lack of laughter and the lack of touch at home. Yes laughter is a strong aphrodisiac - because it is a strong sign of (a) making a connection, (b) strong communication and (c) the other person actually listening to you and not closing you down. It also is a great relaxant. But from my experience on here it is also the lack of touch and physical closeness. Communication is not just about the verbal/aural connection but the physical connection too - where all you get at home is a blank response that just undermines your confidence. To have someone listen to you, laugh with you, want to touch you is great for confidence and making one feel valued. And if you are going to end up giving your body to someone then you should want to feel valued by that person
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1386735 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:32PM
Nothing wrong with fab, I’ve met some fab 😁 people there
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1328828 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:29PM
cornforthwhite - 17 Jun, 2020 - 01:39PM
At home for me there is nothing physical or emotional. Hell, it’s not even a particularly pleasant place to be most of the time. We’ve not been intimate in over 5 years but he has his head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge there’s anything amiss and refuses to separate or divorce. I can’t live the life I have been. I need human touch and a connection, an escape from reality with a decent guy, yes, a gentlemanly type. Everyone has their own reasons for being here and everyone’s looking for something, usually something missing at home or something more. Live and let live.
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Yorkman2020 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:25PM
I think we all love to flirt and be flirted with! It’s finding the one who you rally connect with that’s the tricky bit
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Mews0001 - 17 Jun, 2020 - 02:24PM
Following on -
There are plenty of other sites for hook-ups. Fabswingers being just one I can think of.
Anyway, I've said my piece and am now waiting for the barrage of complaints!!
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