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Dating tips

Feel like I have been out of the dating game for so long, it's almost like relearning an entire language. 

My flirting skills are not so great... Any tips for a nice gent seeking a nice lady?

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Comments (169)

1614937 - 02 Oct, 2023 - 12:28PM

FluffyClouds -

I am at the stage of my life when things like hair colour or eye colour are completely unimportant. I don't care if my prospective IE has blonde, brown, red or blue hair! Maybe that's undiscerning but I'd hate to judge a book by its cover. If you're feeling unappreciated, unfulfilled or lonely, it's far more important to find someone relatively local and try to discover what's between their ears.

If one simply rules out, say, all short and "cuddly" people, you could be missing out on a soul mate. That's why I said "... as you CAN" and not to everyone!! Needless to say, there appears to be a great many profiles of women that are either dead or not monitored. Maybe it's just me, or my age group, but it's disheartening to send out a dozen carefully crafted personal messages and the recipients don't even check your profile, let alone reply!

Sorry, rant over! I'm not in the happiest place at the moment and frustration is beginning to set in... waste of time or waste of money? IDK

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laugar164 - 29 Sep, 2023 - 09:09PM

For me it's just being yourself trying to be something else just won't work remember you are looking for a partner to spend some quality time with we're you can be yourself and have fun

FluffyClouds - 29 Sep, 2023 - 07:22PM

Mister.E.Mann -

Send out as many personal messages as you can? That sounds undiscerning. Surely, you should send out messages to profiles that actually appeal to you including descriptions. Otherwise it's just a waste of time.

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1614937 - 29 Sep, 2023 - 04:31PM

All I can suggest is to send out as many personal messages as you can as the vast majority do not reply. If they reply, you'll have a hint as to whether they're really like their profile. After that, just be as honest as you can and see where it takes you. Flirting comes after a while...

1408586 - 29 Sep, 2023 - 11:50AM

For a first meet I like to go for a walk with the option of a drink at the end if we fancy. But it has to be nice weather!! I cancelled the first planned meet with current guy as it was šŸŒ§ļø

I just find a nice walk can be lovely anyway, even if I donā€™t want to see the guy again.

If I am hoping to see him again a I like a little snog at the end to make sure weā€™re compatible in that department too šŸ˜‡

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Paula99 - 29 Sep, 2023 - 11:50AM

Younger men are confident and driven but they lack judgment and experience that older guys have ā€¦.they are so wrapped up in themselves and their ā€˜important jobsā€™ they canā€™t see past their nosesā€¦younger women will be in awe of themā€¦whereas an older lady would just think ā€˜ not going there ā€˜ šŸ˜‚

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leggysheila - 29 Sep, 2023 - 09:23AM

I have to agree with you XXX I have found dating older men makes it easier they don't make outlandish gestures and are never full of their selves.As for me what you see is what you get x Happy hunting XXX

tea_coffee_me_ - 20 Jun, 2020 - 11:45PM

"Renaissance66 -
So here's a question to challenge a conscience...
If a young (ish šŸ˜) woman ends up having to be a full time carer for the love of her life
As an example 'end of life care' could be over many years...
Bit off topic but I'll chuck it in...."
Why a challenge a conscience?
If anyone young or old, is missing that element, esp if a partner poorly, if they are looking after that person to the best of their ability... often they are already giving up their lives to do so...
Work, career, self fulfillment ....
By finding human connection, affection, they are NOT taking anything from the person they are caring for ... and by having that time, a break etc they may also be a better carer than not.
Being a carer is a bl**dy difficult job!!

As a mum of 24 hours a day 7 days a week, (no school, even at normal times), I know by having a break to try and find out who I am again, it makes me a better mum.

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1386366 - 20 Jun, 2020 - 12:51PM

I think part of the problem on IE is that common courtesy seems to be so hard to achieve.

I completely agree that you should read a profile, introduce yourself and refer to what the profile says, and having carried out this religiously on a number of occasions to be greeted with one way silence does take the biscuit. Surely if somebody makes the effort it doesn't hurt to provide a polite - No Thanks.

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1352608 - 19 Jun, 2020 - 11:10AM

I think.i can count on one hand when someone has actually read my profile and introduces himself and refers to something I have written
Instead you get "Tell me what you want in a man? I mean it clearly states what I would like! "
Or "Do you want to have some fun?"
I just dont see the point in replying at all really.

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