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Long Lasting IE

What’s the secret to a long lasting IE?

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Comments (119)

1364688 - 19 May, 2020 - 02:40PM

Relaxing, not adding any pressure to the amount of contact we make to each other.

990407 - 19 May, 2020 - 01:38PM

How can we m 😭 t

Alderbrook - 19 May, 2020 - 01:13PM

Does anyone bother to read hobbies section or send virtual gifts etc ? Seems 2 areas to delete by IE

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1365842 - 19 May, 2020 - 12:38PM

All good things come to end sooner or later.Becomes a routine sadly

tender_rock - 19 May, 2020 - 12:36PM

Depends what you see as "long lasting"?

The longest one for me was 3 years and the shortest one was for 6 months. However there are people too for whom even 3 months is a long period.

The key here is to enjoy the stolen moments together doing things that you both like to do and when not together, to keep in touch with messages and these days some video calls too, when possible.

"Communication is very important whether its inside the bedroom or outside it."

OC: is there a double meaning to that question? ;)

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Buffalo King - 19 May, 2020 - 12:26PM

Hello everybody. I think it is the same thing as in all relationships- trust, honesty, communication, and the list goes on. Most of us on IE are trying to find something that is missing from our current relationship ( the married ones) and as long as you are getting what you were looking for then there is no end.
Someone’s effort is always a reflection of their interest in you.

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Donna1406 - 19 May, 2020 - 11:44AM

Sexual chemistry has to be there. Keeping in touch with each other seductively this keeps it alive. Regular meetings

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1338297 - 19 May, 2020 - 11:43AM

I think this this is a great topic.

My last IE he didn’t communicate well. I’m aware that an affair is important but there are other important things in life and it’s not my place to question or stress him. It should be fun. The last thing you want is someone getting on your nerves for the wrong reasons.

Anyway when we were together it was great.

Sadly I ended it because eventually it felt cold. I can’t be intimate with someone when it’s only on their terms.

I kind of blamed me to start with. It takes ages to find someone you like and both want the same things.

I appreciate previous comments on here that it’s not a normal relationship so you have to accept it won’t last. Saying that communication is important.

In the past I’ve chatted to some lovely guys on here who have met girls on here and have had very long successful affairs and have stayed good friends.

I hope that happens to me one day 🤞.

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1272141 - 19 May, 2020 - 11:25AM

The usual mechanics,timing location,availability,communications. It should fall into a nice groove. Its a relationship, just more efficient. The sex must work very well.

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gemini2310 - 19 May, 2020 - 11:09AM

Honestly is a big part of an affair and takes two to make it work but when ones had enough they can walk away not a marriage so just enjoy the hardest part is when you both work so have to understand if one has to cancel a meet but text or phone regularly can keep it alive

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