Expiry Date?
Does marriage have an expiry date?
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Comments (125)
Gingerpuss - 30 Sep, 2020 - 08:26PM
After being with someone for 40 years I would say mine has reached an expiry date. We have developed in different ways, I'm now the adventurous outgoing go getter, and he is a stay in and talks about it all being downhill. He drags all my motivation out of me. I get up with the intention of doing all sorts and within an hour I feel like why bother.
Anyways, I'm a go getter so I'm starting a new job tomorrow. So let's see where the future takes me.
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Smouldering_fire - 29 Sep, 2020 - 11:26PM
It depends on the marriage. Mine doesn't but then I'm not here because I'm in a bad marriage.
Ade.mac2017 - 29 Sep, 2020 - 05:32PM
I think it does. I’m going through that at the moment. The days of staying together “just because” or “what will people think” are over. At the end of the day if your not happy your not happy. Your here once. There is no dress rehearsal. Personally I’m shitting myself with the prospect of moving out of my family home. A base which has taken 20 years to build but I’m being hypocritical. I’ve had an affair to full the void of a loveless marriage. As the song goes “do you stay or go” yea it’s going to shit at first but then what. ?? Who knows. Will I die as an insignificant old man who’s been sad since the divorce or will I take the bill by the fucking horns and ride into the sunset naked screaming “fuck your”. Don’t know. Any I hope you’ve enjoyed the read
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1404215 - 29 Sep, 2020 - 01:10PM
I think mine has definitely passed the best before date !
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Zara1981 - 29 Sep, 2020 - 07:12AM
I think it does ! It’s children ,finances and possessions that make most stay together!
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Perrie5 - 29 Sep, 2020 - 05:35AM
Doesn't everything? I mean eventually...
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Wanderlust134 - 29 Sep, 2020 - 12:10AM
Some yes, some no.
More like a 'best before' date.
Really, really good up to a certain point - after that... well, trust your nose.
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Jake Jekyll - 28 Sep, 2020 - 11:40PM
No it doesn't, but like any turnip you can offload before the "Best Before" date if you thought you were getting an avocado.
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