Expiry Date?
Does marriage have an expiry date?
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Comments (125)
Tallone1966 - 06 Jul, 2020 - 05:12PM
Think it it does. Four weddings and funeral comment springs to mind. When you run out of things to say, decide upon a large project to start the conversation, move house, extend house, talk about moving abroad.
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1392377 - 04 Jul, 2020 - 06:41PM
I think marriage does seem to have a shelf life for one reason or another
I think you can find that one person if you're both extremely diligent in the process.
I think when we first enter into a relationship we think irrationally for whatever reason normally because we have a need which might be a desire or to feel loved or gain attention in some way or an emotional need once that passes and your no longer getting what you need it turns to shit.
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perlyb - 04 Jul, 2020 - 04:44PM
marriage is a contract( agreement ) between 2people after some time it needs a review !! I think .
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Bumblebee235 - 04 Jul, 2020 - 02:51PM
Well I went back for seconds. Married, got divorced, his choice. He fell for someone else, but it wasn't what her thought so we got back together and re- married. Now 22 years down the line we're divorced again. My choice this time. Never going back.
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Spacehopper1968 - 01 Jul, 2020 - 11:48PM
Same shelf life as wedding cake??
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1117169 - 01 Jul, 2020 - 06:21PM
In most cases yes, and a "Best before date" too!
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Hellothere 123 - 01 Jul, 2020 - 01:55PM
Well Iām still. Married but min expired ten years ago š
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Lightmyfire936 - 30 Jun, 2020 - 11:24PM
My sisters were dating their husbands at 15 and married at 20.. they're still happily married in their 60's
I got married at 40 and was on this site within 10 years.
As long as I put a smile on my IE lovers face on a regular basis and my kids dont find out I dont give a damn about expiry dates
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