Expiry Date?
Does marriage have an expiry date?
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Comments (125)
1376887 - 28 Jun, 2020 - 09:27AM
Marriage was designed by religion to keep society in some kind of order. At that time, life expectancy was way shorter, so you wouldn’t be married for long.
To be more relevant to today’s society, shouldn’t the question. cover living together and civil partnerships as well.
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tea_coffee_me_ - 03 Jun, 2020 - 06:24PM
" Summer2020 - Yes, for everyone on here that has a partner, I would say yes, and you've expired already. Or rather the marriage has, why else are you here."
Disagree, for some people only ONE element is missing, hence why they are here.
Why would you destroy a marriage where 99% of it works?!??!
- for ONE element.
Most would not destroy a marriage for playing golf (more) or for going dancing (more) or tennis (more).
Often being here, gives time for that aspect to come back on track, and they no longer need an IE.
Why would any logical, decent, sane person destroy a marriage, (and in many cases the health, mental and physical) of a partner and CHILDREN or ONE aspect that may not be as ideal as they would like, (for a period of time)!?!?!?
A marriage is far far far more than often ONE element!
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Lisaxoxo - 03 Jun, 2020 - 03:21PM
Marriage is like a video game.
You have to go through phases and eventually and inevitably the game finishes.
Doesn't mean it wasn't fun.
I wish my husband would agree with divorce but he refuses and while we have small kids there is not much I can do. We have a very comfortable life and good jobs but it would change of we finish the marriage on bad terms.
So I am trapped for a few more years.
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1387758 - 03 Jun, 2020 - 02:00PM
Yes, for everyone on here that has a partner, I would say yes, and you've expired already. Or rather the marriage has, why else are you here.
For some of us, we got out. And rather glad too. I know I'm not going to be popular with this view point, but I actually don't care.
If the Covid 19 virus has taught us anything, it's that life is far too precious and short to waste it.
You can commence with the abuse, I have my armour on.
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Krypton - 28 May, 2020 - 08:29PM
Mine certainly has! Can't believe what has happened & just reassuring to know that I'm not alone!
1323236 - 27 May, 2020 - 11:13PM
Yes, usually you see this date in registrar office when you sign some silly paper.
If your partner is your friend then your question should sound if friendship has an expiry date and that is a whole different thing.
And for those of you whom partner is not their friend, I can only say one thing.
I am sorry!
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Charlie10027 - 26 May, 2020 - 05:16PM
My relationships on IE have helped no expiry date on the marriage. IE helps fill the gaps that a long marriage inevitably has.
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ExoticOrchid - 25 May, 2020 - 01:31PM
Tom245 - 25 May, 2020 - 11:54AM
" if going separate ways are not always complicated, and traumatic for both parties, most people could be happier after divorce."
Definitely happier post divorce BUT only after a few traumatic years.
" Mine doesn't cook my dinner nor iron my shirts. I am still the one that pay all the bills,"
Looks to me like YOU were hard hit too!
Tom245 - 25 May, 2020 - 11:58AM
It looks to me like you were hard hit. Mine doesn't cook my dinner nor iron my shirts. I am still the one that pay all the bills, yet she wouldn't be happy. Hence coming on here
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Tom245 - 25 May, 2020 - 11:54AM
What is the cause of post divorce unhappiness? Could it be attributed to the trauma of divorce and previous unhappy marriage? I'm my opinion, if going separate ways are not always complicated, and traumatic for both parties, most people could be happier after divorce.
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