Ice Breakers
What's the best way to break the ice?
Any good conversation starters, or have any of you experienced any unique ones? Prey tell :-)
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Comments (185)
Bugwithone - 24 May, 2020 - 03:29PM
Read the profile.
Analysis the tone of the writing.
If they have a personal avatar, it will give you a clue to their personal tastes.
Armed with this knowledge keep your opening simple polite, funny, complimentary, insightful about them, etc.
Give them something to reply to.
Be prepared to fail. Then the successes feel twice as good.
Always reply to messages, unless they are malicious.
Most important, be honest, be yourself, because if your fail, at least you fail being you
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Lillib - 24 May, 2020 - 12:49PM
Well said @pkash78, you never can tell with us. If it works, it works but it depends on the man for me. If I like what I see, less words and it’s cool more words and it’s better. If I don’t like then you need to make me. That requires more conversation, the right ones but for me I give everyone a chance till my patience run out.
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1315970 - 24 May, 2020 - 12:36PM
A "Hi how are you today"usually does the trick.
Or whats a nice man like you doing here??
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tea_coffee_me_ - 24 May, 2020 - 12:20PM
"Qetesh - WhatsApp no way! To risky. I’ve had a few close calls with guys deciding to give me an impromptu phone call, which I was not prepared for and a massive fail in my books.
First rule of dating....don’t give out your telephone number too soon!"
I am single so a different situation.
I never take video calls (never look good on those screens and feels intrusive).
I rarely speak with IE on the phone.
I would also ALWAYS expect someone to check with me its convenient REGARDLESS of single or not! (Excluding trying to find each other at a meeting.)
Many I can only message when they message me and tell me its safe, and then often a window eg work hours.
I do not take it personally, it is what it is. It also puts the onus on them to contact me, and an easy way for them to end things lol!!
Many always delete our conversations, others their phones are private so ....
As always stated, it is what works for you both.
I have had more than one IE over the years, and every situation is differen
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1329251 - 24 May, 2020 - 11:49AM
Anything that's not too pushy or forward really, I don't like over confidence or rudeness, but just a general hello and intro is good enough xx I'd say the more fun and open the ice breaker was, the more likely I'd engage in a better conversation.
Anything that confirms that the guy just hasn't read your profile makes you defensive, and anything short and blunt, or throwing their password at me is generally asking to be ignored 😂
End of the day guys, just be yourself, that's what we want xx
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1386735 - 24 May, 2020 - 11:46AM
Tea coffee me
WhatsApp no way! To risky. I’ve had a few close calls with guys deciding to give me an impromptu phone call, which I was not prepared for and a massive fail in my books.
First rule of dating....don’t give out your telephone number too soon!
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tea_coffee_me_ - 24 May, 2020 - 11:29AM
"Tiredandolf - Can I ask why you say no kik tea_coffee_me?"
Tried it, was not keen, it started glitching, and then deleted it.
Also no connection to phone number if any problems ....
Prefer whatsapp, for many reasons
1327212 - 24 May, 2020 - 10:55AM
Can I ask why you say no kik tea_coffee_me?
1354211 - 24 May, 2020 - 10:24AM
Boiling water. Or a big hammer.
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tea_coffee_me_ - 24 May, 2020 - 09:58AM
I find the lying in the first message, and the insults in the second quite entertaining.
Many just message without reading an obviously thought out written profile.
ALWAYS READ THE PROFILE !!! Often there is information in there that shows you are both incompatible!! Time saved, less grumpy to others!
So I receive a message saying ' I read your profile / really liked your profile and so would you like to chat?'.
I reply with re read it and follow its instructions, with fluffy words so more polite.
The next message 'I don't have time to read all that rubbish' etc etc usually more impolite.
Many discussions about lies, however do not trip up with your first message, a COMPLETE waste of both of your times!
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