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Should I keep my options open?

I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?

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Comments (132)

pkash78 - 25 May, 2020 - 08:01PM

i like to believe that most of subscribers here believe in freedom .open relationships.. non-monogamous nature of humans. I don’t believe we are unfaithful.. unfaithfulness is a term invented by society, religion, the institution of marriage, and civilisation/ government . It is a means of control over us. the fact that we huddled here away from society, is not because we wrong, it is because we right but the society is not ready to accept it.. accept the fact that humans and human relationship is polygamous .. in ancient societies it would’ve been ludicrous to accept one partner .. in older religions / beliefs / tradition it would have been perfectly normal.. I believe the notion of one partner only.. is a product of all Ibrahimic religions which is a product of civilisation .. a means of control.. ,
The struggle that people find to accept this idea is only because of society / friends / government/ religion .. but deep down .. there is nothing more satisfying or more natural than to find multiple part

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Hayley& - 25 May, 2020 - 07:57PM

Why are they asking you to be exclusive? They already have a wife/husband? Yes keep your options open.

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1332870 - 25 May, 2020 - 07:47PM

Keep in touch with both but be upfront about it.

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1366333 - 25 May, 2020 - 07:01PM

I’d keep in touch with both of them. I don’t believe anyone would recommend anything else, especially if you are on the site in the first place.

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MatureWorcsBBW - 25 May, 2020 - 06:49PM

That would really worry me.
I'm sure that you will decide what's right for you in the fullness of time.

tea_coffee_me_ - 25 May, 2020 - 06:26PM

As stated elsewhere
"Songbird478 - When does an IE become your IE?"

That is a really good question.
Chatting - no
Meeting - no, for me the % that go on to a 2nd meeting is VERY LOW
1st Private meeting - I would say no, as often one or both parties feel they are not compatible.
Possibly when you reach about 5 private meetings can you have that type of conversation as until that point you have no idea about adult compatibility, how often you can really see each other. If the structure of the meetings are working for you both...

As others have said if ANYONE expects ANYONE to be exclusive from early on, needy or possessive, RUN!

You have no rights over them and vice versa
This is an AFFAIR not a marriage!

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1385524 - 25 May, 2020 - 06:21PM

Is this the advanced club? 2 x options - go you! I think I'd want to meet both ( seperately ) and gauge the chemistry from there before making a decision.

But what would I know! Barely getting the type of attention I'm looking for. Keep us posted anyway, will be good to get an update.

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tender_rock - 25 May, 2020 - 06:15PM


That too when they have not met you, and assuming even seen/talked to you on a video call( L/D improvisation). Would classify as classic controlling personality.

And how they are offering the same to you, let me guess, by making their profile hidden, so no one knows when they are online or what they are doing?

Sometimes even one F2F meet is not enough to know someone.

Keep in touch with both but do let them know that you are chatting to others. It's still too early and there will be many slips/ lost interests.

"There's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot."

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Dancing In The Rain - 25 May, 2020 - 04:21PM

First of all lucky you 😉. I think you have every right to talk to both, once you've met maybe then, based on the relationship you both chose to have.

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gemini2310 - 25 May, 2020 - 03:33PM

Keep in touch with both you have not even met them you may not like either when you meet or visa versa don't put all your eggs in one basket it's fantasy chatting on here can be very different in reality

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