Should I keep my options open?
I am currently speaking to 2 people I met via IE, they have both asked me to be exclusive. Should I keep in touch with both of them or decide on just one?
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Comments (132)
Doricles - 23 Jan, 2024 - 08:24PM
Hottie Spicy - 23 Jan, 2024 - 04:38PM
I refer you to the other statement in my post, “The words and sentiments expressed by some members, and their tone, reveals misogynistic tendencies that makes them look like Richard Craniums!”
If you feel aggrieved because you’re “part of the rest” then a change in attitude might make you more appealing to all the “choosey ladies” you seem intent on running down. Just saying 🤷🏻♂️
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LadyDe - 23 Jan, 2024 - 08:05PM
@hottie spicy
23rd Jan 10.48am
If you feel so aggrieved by IE and have such a little opinion of the women on here maybe you are on the wrong website. I can’t imagine I’m the only one that doesn’t share your “sense of humour” “banter”
“Improving themselves” men“dating down”
I have no words …. In fact I have plenty but I’m a lady.
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1586130 - 23 Jan, 2024 - 04:38PM
"This site promotes and facilitates opportunities for its members to reach out, connect and take things to a different level if there's an attraction"
I'd say this site was like every other dating app - it provides an opportunity for women to peruse thousands of available men, select the very best , and pass over all the rest. If you're one of "the rest", then it's quite natural to feel aggrieved.
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Doricles - 23 Jan, 2024 - 02:53PM
I’ve scrolled back through this thread and tbh I’m shocked by some of the rude, hostile and condescending comments I've read! The words and sentiments expressed by some members, and their tone, reveals misogynistic tendencies that makes them look like Richard Craniums! This site promotes and facilitates opportunities for its members to reach out, connect and take things to a different level if there's an attraction and some chemistry and a desire to do so. And much like real life, if there's no chemistry or attraction then it's time to part ways, gracefully and respectfully. Members should not feel aggrieved if they reach out and don't get a response nor should anyone feel obliged to explain why they're not interested in another member's approach or lie about their particular circumstances in order to "put someone off". The same applies to those who go down the "let's get to know each other path” before realising there’s no real attraction or chemistry. Ghosting someone isn’t nice but it tells its o
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Marlen - 23 Jan, 2024 - 01:27PM
I think that you should only go exclusive, after meeting and being intimate.
Better to be a serial monogamist, than being a player.
After the 'first night of passion' you should both have a good idea if it will work. But wait till you've arranged a 2nd rendezvous. In case you've been used as ONS.
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1553313 - 23 Jan, 2024 - 12:01PM
If men wanted so desperately to meet women as is implied we would use the services readily available and pay or become what is popularly described these days as a sugar daddy.. personally one thing I have noted of late is the absolute rudeness of some women on this site to even acknowledge the fact you have contacted them.. or when a response is received it’s curt and dismissive. Maybe they are inundated with messages but a simple Hi and Not for me Thanks is all it takes.
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giggly hamster - 23 Jan, 2024 - 11:21AM
@hottie spicy
That's not what I said.
The Original question was : two people were being talked to, should one be ignored should you proceed with the other.
What I said was that for me, if there was no attraction, . if nothing clicks but we got and it was pleasant evening I'm not going to blank them just because we didn’t click.
If there was no attraction then of course I'd look for someone else as would she. If it’s not there, it’s not there but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t have a decent time trying.
By the way you write you've got them queuing round the block so you have the luxury of just kicking them to the kerb and ignoring them thereon after. I'm not you obviously, but that's why you're where you are and I’m where I am. - now, , as much as I like being tea bagged by you I really need my eyes to see where I'm going.
if that's ok with you of course.
- and apologies sugar bollocks, I don't do dogs.
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1614937 - 23 Jan, 2024 - 11:14AM
LadyDe - 22 Jan, 2024 - 08:27PM
Few things are more attractive to a man than being wanted by a woman. Generally speaking,
a woman with a "perfect" body but who showed disdain or little interest in a man could never be as attractive as another who was keen or desired him, even if she was a little overweight with stretch marks and wrinkles!
Of course, there are limits and some men would go to endless lengths to bed their Margot Robbie and others would refuse the advances of a perceived bunny boiler. Let's face it, this is not the site to search for the perfect partner - we have all failed already and that's why we're here. I wouldn't say that men on here are "so desperate..." but there is time and financial pressure to meet someone quickly and, as Voltaire is purported to have said, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
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1586130 - 23 Jan, 2024 - 10:48AM
This is the flip side of the unequal gender balance when it comes to dating. Women are spoiled for choice and can afford to be extremely picky. Instead of improving themselves, some men will resort to "dating down" and some will lie in order to get at least some attention. The whole online dating ecosystem fails both men and women in different ways. It promises everything and delivers very little.
My profile is written to weed out women who don't share my sense of humour. Clearly that includes you.
LadyDe - 22 Jan, 2024 - 08:27PM
@Hottie Spicy
So basically men are so desperate on here that they will “shag” your words anything that shows them attention, surely some chemistry or attraction is needed? Although you will if they hate you it seems … wow what a fickle bone, I need to take my Rose Tinted glasses off and consider all the BS I’ve had so far 🤔
Maybe I can’t sniff it out as much as I thought
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