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Did anybody else...

Did anybody else join IE because their partner cheated on them first? Originally I was bitter and mad, and wanted to get some sort of secret revenge. But now I kind of get it, the whole affair thing. I almost feel cheated that I had stayed faithful for 17 years, oh well, they do say that life begins in your 40's šŸ˜

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Comments (119)

Imnotthemessiah - 26 Aug, 2024 - 11:06PM

ā€œBut your marriage vowsā€ they say. Yeah, part of most peopleā€™s vows is ā€œto have and to holdā€ but no one talks about that bit of their vows which get reneged upon.

skit1985 - 26 Aug, 2024 - 09:56PM

Thanks OP,
Today is my first day on IE . I fall into this category , but not for revenge . It took a while to get over the shock and hurt, but at the end of the day I did my part in the relationship to the best of my abilities and in good faith .

The choices in the order of preference for me are
- Forgiveness and giving it another go. ( Not working !)
- respectful open relationship where kids are not affected much and both are financially less stretched .
- Divorce
- Turn a blind eye and live a stoic life .

Time to move on from hopelessly romantic to pragmatically romantic .

Noir Ce Soir - 26 Aug, 2024 - 09:11PM

I pop onto this forum from time to time and I'm always amazed how quickly what should be the topic of conversation descends into weak jokes and cheap innuendo. It's a shame because some people really need to talk about this and get true support from their fellow adulterers. This is not a path one treads lightly and it would be good to share the burden and guilt in a serious forum occasionally. Sadly that doesn't look like it will ever happen.

Elusive Traveller - 26 Aug, 2024 - 02:21PM

I did it first, tbh I find this helps keep our marriage on the right path. If I didn't then I would have left years ago. I love my wife, but sadly we are two different people who have nothing in common other than our children. I would never leave her, so I like to chat with other women who help fill the void and the occasional sex is a bonus. I'm more interested in the relationship side x

Exciteme234 - 26 Aug, 2024 - 01:55PM

Donā€™t overthink why, just enjoy it

Paula99 - 26 Aug, 2024 - 11:54AM

There is an old saying ā€¦He who takes revenge will dig 2 gravesā€¦
Having an affair just because your partner has had one isnā€™t going to solve anything ā€¦it just makes you bitterā€¦

I am sure there are many stories that can be relayed on herešŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

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Superman100136 - 26 Aug, 2024 - 10:20AM

100% true. Sad really isnā€™t it !

Naughty in NW - 29 Oct, 2023 - 06:56PM


Maybe work a bit more on your spelling and grammar. Just speaking for myself, but a poor grasp of English is a massive turn off for me.

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Kabaddia - 28 Oct, 2023 - 06:31PM

I'm here to give the ladys gud timenand fun age doesn't mean nothing for me married or not I dont mind

Ela Doove - 28 Oct, 2023 - 04:09PM

I'm on here because my relationship has gone down hill since my husband got convicted of being a child sex offender. He is now in jail. I have always been open but he refused to let me be me. So I went down a dark rabbit hole of depression to try and please him but it wasn't making me happy. Now I am alone and free to do what I want to do and to be who I want to be.

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