Light at the end of the tunnel
Finally there is a light - anyone else have a very important 'appointment' planned for the 4th July?
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Comments (84)
1328828 - 24 Jun, 2020 - 09:03PM
CoffeeFirst - 24 Jun, 2020 - 08:35PM
A friend of mine is on here and she told me earlier she’s provisionally booked a dayroom for 8th July ‘in case she gets lucky’!! 😱
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gemini2310 - 24 Jun, 2020 - 09:02PM
Coffee First
Agree it will probs be a few months before I meet anyone this covid is not over yet hate to get symptoms and bring them or we do the same to someone else better to be safe than sorry
loreal - 24 Jun, 2020 - 08:56PM
Bet sextyeight has never had so many propositions!
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1366333 - 24 Jun, 2020 - 08:35PM
If only I had! I think 4 July might be a little early but if I had someone I’d consider late on in the month instead 😀. I’m cautious like that....
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ExoticOrchid - 24 Jun, 2020 - 08:05PM
Sextyeight - 24 Jun, 2020 - 07:16PM
Ahh get your coat, you've pulled!!! ;-)
1352608 - 24 Jun, 2020 - 07:27PM
Yes I will come thankyou as long as I can stop.on way to airport for some swimwear xx
Sextyeight - 24 Jun, 2020 - 07:16PM
Yes going to my house in France, if you would like to join me xx
gemini2310 - 24 Jun, 2020 - 04:19PM
I have had 3 hols abroad cancelled and 4 breaks in the UK with female friends cancelled up to yet this year not bothered about those in the UK but I love my hols abroad sun cocktails maybe I may go with one of my IEs later in the year
1328828 - 24 Jun, 2020 - 03:55PM
Haha I’ve already got a lodge with hot tub booked for October and an escape to Yorkshire to look forward to next month but nothing with the opposite sex!
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