Easier to meet?
Is everyone finding it easier to arrange meets now that the restrictions have lifted slightly?
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Comments (169)
Charchar - 13 Jul, 2020 - 03:23PM
Can’t wait for our meet, we were meeting before lockdown we were having a amazing time
So excited for it all to pick up where we left off 😈💋
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1332870 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 10:47PM
MissPetite27 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 06:54PM
For those of you that have had your IE meet since lockdown restrictions have been lifted. Have there been any success stories or are many of you back here looking?
I met my IE just before lockdown. We only had 1 meeting. We've had several since lockdown has eased including a few hotels stays and a weekend away booked for next week. We've both been tested for covid in the last couple of weeks and both clear.
There are success stories on here but the key is to not to spend weeks chatting before meeting as reality can sometimes be different from talking behind a screen. Just don't be despondent,
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HowieJB66 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 10:41PM
I'm new to IE.... I guess that patience is the key in world we all inhabit now
.Lets all be sensible,...but not boring,
some fun time is what we are all craving and need
Dejavous - 12 Jul, 2020 - 10:41PM
It may be easier to arrange a meeting but do you also arrange to have a covid-19 test beforehand??
1353182 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:58PM
Hope so! I’m hoping it’ll be easier
1366333 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:46PM
I got dumped so a big fat no!
1350989 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:42PM
Men go on about us women being funny creatures, why is it once you swap passwords ( well give yours anyway) you men fall off the planet?🤦♀️Or is it just me?
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1393321 - 12 Jul, 2020 - 08:30PM
I am very keen to get as far as a hotel stay! Not entirely sure how i feel about Covid though!
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Finefelicity - 12 Jul, 2020 - 07:53PM
I am struggling to engage more now restrictions are lifted.
I've never been so rejected as much as now.
So I think it's harder to meet now
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