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Help - my IE is shy!

Finally met my IE after months of online messaging - we have an electric connection and I find him crazy attractive - but I found he is very shy in person…how do I bring him out of his shell? 

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Comments (135)

1386735 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 05:26PM

Men can be such disappointments!

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1389672 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 05:13PM

As with anything there is a compromise. Electric attraction, crazy attractive... bonus... focus on the positives and fuck his brains out. He won’t be shy for long.

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1395628 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 04:57PM

So the moral of the story is ..never take anything at face value ...for you woman out there, go with your intuition ....

If it doesn't feel right , more likely it isn't

Good luck to you all anyway x

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1395628 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 04:52PM

I agree some what with tea_coffee_me ...

I thought FINALLY I've found the one , messages were flying over quite freely , he had everything and more that I was looking for ( granted my profile doesn't give much away) but he was happy with my initial picture ...after a while we exchange numbers and then he decided to delete his profile as he had " found the one " ..days went by, we were txt-ing regularly, but he started asking questions , just constantly but with no reciprocation, then it moved onto a couple of phone calls which were good , he sounded so lovely and genuine that I couldn't wait to meet him , ..but nothing , no arrangements just continuing questions , wanting more pictures that it all came to a head and I called it a day...
There's general interest and there interrogation.....
So here I am again..

Dejavous - 07 Jul, 2020 - 01:27PM

The last electric connection I had resulted in a short circuit, blew all my fuses and a complete power surge. Look forward to that happening again one day!

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Classycougar - 07 Jul, 2020 - 12:53PM

Risky indeed.....don’t think i would be that brave! But glad it worked for you both.
Bett dinner was ruined!🤣🤣

1333371 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 12:02PM

I know it was risky, but I invited her around for dinner to my apartment.

Raquel12 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 11:47AM

'Nothing is electric, unless it's for the first 20 minutes.'

You're right when it comes to calling any attraction on here 'electric.'

My kettle is more reliable :) It may take long to boil when I'm watching it, but once it does, it gives me the hots I want. Again and again!

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Classycougar - 07 Jul, 2020 - 11:18AM

I hope that wasn’t in Costa!!

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1333371 - 07 Jul, 2020 - 11:03AM

I had one experience where, after a few weeks of messaging, we met. I literally opened the door and... within minutes, clothes were all over the place... those were a wild few months. Sadly, it didn’t last as I moved away. But, it can happen.

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