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Cardinal Rule

What is the top most cardinal rule in an affair? I think it's: Communication.

Transparency between partners guarantees a safe and happy affair. 

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Comments (213)

1117169 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 09:13AM

Don't get caught.

If you do it might be catastrophic for everyone.

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1386289 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 11:16AM

Open communication and, even more important, CONSISTENCY paired with mutual respect are the ingredients for a happy relationship.

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yorkshire lass68 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 10:17AM

Be honest with each other

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1398490 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 10:08AM

Don’t take socks off last.

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Plum Blonde - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:19PM

The cardinal rule is mutual trust ,respecting boundaries .I know people who have had their lives ruined by vengeful ex partners .You have to respect the other person's circumstances and not upset their family set up ,or be so indiscreet as to alert suspicion .

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lorettadelray - 15 Jul, 2020 - 06:48PM

Probably simply fooling about and never getting an affair going.

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Gormlessoaf - 15 Jul, 2020 - 01:23PM

Don't get the hump, if it's a one off. Both need to pass the cock and crack test.

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1387155 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 10:21AM

It depends if its a one off which I dont think anything matters. Just get it on basically.

If it's longer term however I will go with respect, learning to trust each other, and top one for me would be discretion and rules on communicating.

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1303634 - 15 Jul, 2020 - 09:55AM

It has to be honesty and discretion. Without that the risks just don’t make sense

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gemini2310 - 14 Jul, 2020 - 10:29PM

Simple Simon

All that and more will come together with that special person just wait and see

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