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Cardinal Rule

What is the top most cardinal rule in an affair? I think it's: Communication.

Transparency between partners guarantees a safe and happy affair. 

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Comments (213)

Simple _Simon - 13 Jul, 2020 - 10:11PM

Have to say it's got to be honesty and trust initially and as i am finding out it's best to tread carefully ..enough said

1308653 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 09:45PM

Self awareness - applicable in all relationships. Engage with purpose and integrity with knowledge of self including personal values.

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1367102 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 09:20PM

@Alluring.Alpha oh sweet I dob't doubt that.In fact met one the other day 🤣
I guess you never know what gem you find in a pile of rocks 😈👌

1392377 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 09:03PM

Miss_Dom - 13 Jul, 2020 - 08:37PM

Cardinal rule for me is no mind games...too old for that...

Believe it or not there are women and I have no doubt men too more mature than yourself.who love a good mind @&£)

It wrong on all levels.

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1392377 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 09:01PM

Teresa di Vicenzo - 13 Jul, 2020 - 07:38PM


lesley58 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 08:41PM

For me it’s trust, without that the relationship won’t work x

1367102 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 08:37PM

Cardinal rule for me is no mind games...too old for that...

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1383025 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 08:30PM

I thought it should be ‘don’t get caught’

Communication is key in all relationships, surely if you’re here then the communication has already broken down?

Honesty? I’m sure you’re not all being honest when you’re with your IE, I’m not going to be completely honest with my IE either. They don’t need to know all about me, only about ‘us’

Remember your story, don’t get caught and go from there... no?

Discreet_yorkshire - 13 Jul, 2020 - 08:19PM

For me its setting boundaries in terms of when and how you communicate to ensure that people feel secure

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1248010 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 08:00PM

Honesty- over and above all else.

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