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Cardinal Rule

What is the top most cardinal rule in an affair? I think it's: Communication.

Transparency between partners guarantees a safe and happy affair. 

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Comments (213)

1597404 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 09:52PM


1632602 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 06:46PM

Don’t get caught
Don’t Get Caught

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1633205 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 06:24PM

Oh and I forgot, think twice before performing that legendary dance move, you last did 20 years ago....

Farting goes down like a lead balloon...

think that's it now x

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1633205 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 05:44PM

Mutual respect, honesty between the person your meeting, determine some basic ground rules and be transpearnt with what you want. If there's no spark tell them, they deserve that much.

I'm still on trial but will join. I promise I will contact you back.. just I can't reply atm... life been tough x

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1625265 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 02:53PM

Discretion and common sense, we all are here for a reason, so need to apply a heavy level of common sense and discretion. Failure can have some significant impacts for all involved

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1477080 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 02:06PM

Not sure about rules, as most on here are breaking them. I do think common sense should prevail and there should be a few understandings such as:
- never ring unless pre-arranged
- never be the first to speak if you get an call from their number that is not pre-arranged
- respect each others privacy and 'other' life and understand it is primary to you.
That sort of thing....

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takidemir - 22 Nov, 2023 - 12:09PM

Of course, it is important to be honest in a relationship. However, confidentiality is the basic rule in most relationships here. In this case, we are already being dishonest towards someone (lover or spouse) when we start a relationship. The basic rule should be to stay only in the area allowed by the partners.

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ClassyLady77 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 11:01AM

Honour among Thieves!

I met someone recently who I connected with he was so secretive he wouldn’t even give me his phone number.. so that ended quickly… As I said to him If you want secretive then go and book hooker but even then you may have to give her your number… 🤦‍♀️ Open and honest with your affair partner only lie to your Mrs/Mr etc..

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Paula99 - 22 Nov, 2023 - 10:55AM

Thou shalt not covert thy neighbours wife 😉

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Mad World - 22 Nov, 2023 - 09:58AM

Don’t get caught.

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