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Cardinal Rule

What is the top most cardinal rule in an affair? I think it's: Communication.

Transparency between partners guarantees a safe and happy affair. 

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Comments (213)

1349756 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 12:05PM

So what I am saying is that a brief mention of what is happening with one's partner can really be a problem shared providing the whole meet up is not spent discussing just that. My IE friends and I have always been really open about such things, it has not been taboo either - I think totally banning subjects can be limiting and unpleasant. And we have always shared equally with either one hogging the conversation. And then having got these matters of our chests we can get down to more pleasurable activities !!!!!

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1349756 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 12:02PM

Regarding what is said below about talking or nor talking about spouses/partners to your IE "friend":- If depends on the relationship. And just as an aside, I'm astonished at the person on here who said "Affair, I thought this was just about sex". Excuse me for a moment whilst I laugh for about ten minutes at the naivety of THAT remark !
Over a number of years, I've had 3 wonderful IE relationships. We have all mentioned our partners at one stage or another, sometimes to let off steam, sometimes in despair because of their health conditions and it has never caused a problem to any of us. I think the trick is to mention briefly (since anyone's background facilitates understanding) but not spend all the precious time moaning like the woman mentioned who moaned about husband and in-laws. The kinds of conversations I have had included my friend telling me that his wife got lost in her car and he had to go and find her - she had just started with dementia so he wasn't bad mouthing her, just despairing.

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Polycarbonate - 30 Jul, 2020 - 11:11AM

Let's meet 3

I agree.

I don't know why but I do.

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lets meet 3 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 01:48AM

Yes I agree

lorettadelray - 29 Jul, 2020 - 09:55PM

Perhaps folk are speaking from experience.


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ExoticOrchid - 29 Jul, 2020 - 08:48PM

Chezley - 29 Jul, 2020 - 07:27PM

Do you speak from personal experience???

Chezley - 29 Jul, 2020 - 07:27PM


Divorce and family destruction, isn't always the result. Any couple worth their salt will deal with infidelity reasonably well. It will always mar their relationship, but they overcome.

It gets mentioned in hushed tones for some years, then life moves on for everyone and it's more or less forgotten about.

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1386735 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 06:31PM


Not at all trite and fatalistic.
Are you speaking from experience? 🙄

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ExoticOrchid - 29 Jul, 2020 - 06:26PM

Polycarbonate - 29 Jul, 2020 - 06:03PM

Good to know!

Polycarbonate - 29 Jul, 2020 - 06:03PM


That's somewhat trite and fatalistic. Quite a lot manage it reasonably well and the affair runs its course , without undue damage.

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