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Unconventional First Dates

I imagine we've all had to be a little more inventive with first
dates/meets due to the pandemic but I'm curious as to what your most
unconventional date has been; past or present.

Mine was taking someone ice climbing (pre pandemic) but I have been known
to meet someone in a supermarket late at night as they were coming off a
work shift.

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Comments (99)

Here we go 693 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 08:48AM

My last affair started this time last year. Ironically with the same weather we're experiencing now. It was making it almost impossible to arrange a first meeting. Eventually she came to my house one evening while my wife was out at yoga. The rest is history...

Sugarray747 - 06 Jan, 2025 - 11:52PM

I met a beautiful woman older than me by 8 years, at a close friends party. We had a speaker in the bedroom, pumping out tunes through an open window i to the garden. It got disconnected so i went up to try and fix it. I didn’t realise someone had followed me up to the bedroom.
We didn’t even say hello, we just kissed. What I didn’t know was her fiancé was partying downstairs. She came back the following night to sleep with me, and so started an affair for her with me. I felt pretty special as she would drive 3 hours each way just to sleep with me before going home!

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Lec2024 - 06 Jan, 2025 - 06:28PM

I’ve met in a pub or even straight round to someone’s house.

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Geek0808 - 13 Aug, 2020 - 02:04PM

Met someone in Ikea before.

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1246011 - 13 Aug, 2020 - 11:25AM

Met at a garden centre 🤣 genuinely for a coffee but still...naughty or what 😆

1386366 - 13 Aug, 2020 - 11:11AM

I have just been made to feel like a promiscuous risk taker because I suggested that a hug would be nice (no lips) at the end of a visit to a NT property. I really don't get it.

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Geek0808 - 10 Aug, 2020 - 09:07AM

Badminton match at local sports hall

1303634 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 12:57PM

If the spark is there then go with it. We are all here to enjoy life and feel alive and if those butterflies overtake us so be it. No rule book i have seen. As long as both people value what happens then go for it!

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1372703 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 12:52PM

A long time ago I did portrait and portfolio building photography a way of a little extra. Nothing happening at home so was a good stress relief. I called on one lady who took an instant shine and before I knew what was happening, we were friends with benefits. this lasted about two years before I eventually moved away because of work.

1400319 - 06 Aug, 2020 - 11:59AM

After much build up and pent up frustration... We met and did the most unholy of acts in the holiest of places, St Paul's Cathedral...

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