Unconventional First Dates
I imagine we've all had to be a little more inventive with first
dates/meets due to the pandemic but I'm curious as to what your most
unconventional date has been; past or present.
Mine was taking someone ice climbing (pre pandemic) but I have been known
to meet someone in a supermarket late at night as they were coming off a
work shift.
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Comments (97)
ExoticOrchid - 24 Jul, 2020 - 04:16PM
Met at the airport [airside] for an overnight stay in Cannes ... everything worked out!
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ExoticOrchid - 24 Jul, 2020 - 04:12PM
DelishAss - 24 Jul, 2020 - 03:02PM
"we had sex on a tree in the park"
Errr "on" a tree ... are you both gymnasts by any chance or acrobats or ... ???
The mind boggles ... do expand please!
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1327360 - 24 Jul, 2020 - 03:02PM
First time I went on date with someone younger than me (probably why I prefer older guys). We just sat and talked in the car. Really got under my skin and we had sex on a tree in the park (I know I can't believe I did it either)!
This date is not going to be repeated for anyone trying to get ideas.
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tea_coffee_me_ - 24 Jul, 2020 - 09:04AM
I am similar its the personality, hence why I prefer to go for a meal and spend time with the potential IE.
One first meeting the person arrived and I thought, oh no, how to let them down gently.
We had a meal, dessert and drinks, however when it was time to leave, I really liked him and we continued the relationship.
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Secretaccomplice4u - 24 Jul, 2020 - 08:44AM
I dont agree. In my experience women are wired similar to men. Some women are equally driven by pure instant attraction and some men will find attracts grows.
For me, whilst raw physical attraction is often a driver, women who I wasn't initially attracted to, became more attractive over the evening. Something about how they spoke, held themselves or some undefinable made them more attractive to me. Maybe I'm odd.
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1117169 - 24 Jul, 2020 - 07:00AM
What would you like to know?
What I would add is that you can meet the loveliest and most interesting person imaginable, but if the initial raw physical attraction is absent for the man, no amount of getting to know each other will create it. Women can and do have a rather different response it seems because they are wired differently.
I am generalising of course.
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Summerbelle - 24 Jul, 2020 - 05:31AM
Sportster1200L - 23 Jul, 2020 - 06:38PM
That’s always my preference for a first date too, but what girl’s not going to accept the offer of a trip to France? Especially when there’s ‘no strings attached’? :-)
Summerbelle - 24 Jul, 2020 - 05:29AM
Louisav123 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 06:13PM
It was entirely the gentleman’s treat. It was a business trip that he made regularly and was kind enough to invite me along.
LilmissJ - 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:42PM
Only had one meeting/date, from reading this thread I’ve a lot to learn :)
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Lillib - 23 Jul, 2020 - 09:30PM
Do you want to tell us more?
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