All people cheat, sooner or later
Do more people cheat, or have we always looked for extracurricular relationships? I know most of my friends have. I think cheating is more prevalent in society than people realise.
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Comments (182)
1343737 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 06:35AM
I think it is very common just some hide it well. I don’t believe everyone does or will and I believe that if someone cheats there’s a problem in their existing relationship
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WaitingtobeFound - 27 Jul, 2020 - 06:07AM
I think cheating is more prevalent than is realised and people on this site represent tthe tip of the iceberg. I have been married four times and cheated in two of them. My present activities are by consent so aren't cheating.
I do agree with the comment that many of us are polyamorous, not made for monogamy but surely it's silly to end an otherwise good relationship simply about an affair, If everyone were more realistic and broadminded there would be no need to cheat.
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PR_man - 26 Jul, 2020 - 11:08PM
I would paraphrase Picasso's wise observation, good artists copy great artists steal. Good spouses pretend well, great ones cheat!
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1393321 - 26 Jul, 2020 - 08:54PM
Some people are just polyammorous, not cheaters at just takes a little time for all parties involved to realise!
Sounds better, doesn't it?
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Letty 251 - 26 Jul, 2020 - 02:16AM
Well it seems to me that relationships of whatever nature take work by both parties on an ongoing basis. If we don't put fuel in the vehicle or service it then at some point it will let us down. Familiarity brings contempt........taking people for granted or being 'a taker' without 'gjving back' results in a tendency to 'feel wanted', understood or a myriad of other individual needs resulting in us being here. Whether 'cheating' is the right description I am not sure as most marrieds don't want to change their existing lives they are looking to feel wanted and close to another human being.
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cokee12 - 25 Jul, 2020 - 01:07PM
The idea to 'cheat' is hardwired into our biology like most/all animal's on this haven we call home - it is merely an emotional reaction geared solely towards procreation - and we as humans have sort to control/repress through the rules dictated by the societies we inhabit and of course religion. I believe most men/women have indulged in discreet liaisons and when you look behind the reasons why, it's no more simple than having hot sex with a hot sexy person that is not your partner - when that excitement is over then the search begins once more!
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Zara1981 - 25 Jul, 2020 - 07:13AM
I don’t think everyone does , some split before it gets to that point , some for many difference reason can’t or don’t want to split but yearn for more !!!
Some just can’t help themselves 😬😂
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Best Route - 24 Jul, 2020 - 11:56PM
I think everyone thinks if it at some point in life.
And everyone has the capability to cheat if they wish to do so. Whether it may be a longer affair or a one time fling.
Also many people do it, and are better at hiding it than others.
Then there's always some sort of stereotype of what a cheater is like. Which suits me fine lol So many people would swear by me that I don't do it. My husband being one of them.
It still makes me giggle inside those men that think they do it, but are 100% that the wives don't, and vice versa.
It's a free world, it always has been, just seems easier now with sites like this. Just don't get caught, and no one will ever know aka you've never cheated hahaha
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Midnightincantation - 24 Jul, 2020 - 11:32PM
I despair of this..I am divorced..found someone on the rebound of my marriage of 40 years.. a mistake..
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