Working From Home
Alot of us are working at home alongside our spouses, how do you explain your sudden absence? Surely suspicions will be raised ..??!!
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Comments (106)
1366319 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 07:03AM
Seeing a friend to get some away time
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gemini2310 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 01:06AM
I always have to plan ahead with only having one day a week off work at the mo and hubby still working from home but when I do find the IE I want I sure will be making time for him on my day off I suddenly just could out he would wonder where I was going not worth the risk in my opinion for them to start asking questions and maybe getting suspicious
1117169 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 11:24PM
By and large you can't and your partner will probably pick up on it straight away. You could end up under scrutiny where your every move will be closely monitored and you don't want that now do you! Don't even think about doing anything that would arouse suspicion.
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Liltink - 29 Jul, 2020 - 11:22PM
Try getting past your grown up daughter who makes miss Marple look inept! Id rather a partner.... π
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Dejavous - 29 Jul, 2020 - 11:11PM
My spouse may lack in some areas but intelligence is not one of them and I suspect the same is true of most of people's partners. Any sudden absense will arouse suspicion unless that person doesn't care in which case no need to be an IE member. Sudden absences doesn't equal discretion so I suggest applying a bit of common sense might be in order.
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Summerbelle - 29 Jul, 2020 - 10:59PM
Chris 57 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 10:23AM
As someone else who lives alone, I completely agree!
1399194 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 09:12PM
I say that I have to run a few errands, bumped into a friend and went for a drink as I need a bit of rime away from the family.
1342637 - 29 Jul, 2020 - 08:49PM
I just say iβve got to go and get some milk for the fridge. Needless to say our fridge is now full of unused milk so I think itβs time to buy something different.
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Polycarbonate - 29 Jul, 2020 - 05:59PM
I just say it a la Capt Warren Coates,' I may be some time'.
Such a dramatic presentation has wifey actually believing hopefully I might just fall down a crevasse or get eaten by the Huskies.
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