How often should I expect to see my IE?
I'm just wondering how Iwoukd respond if my IE only wants to meet once a
month? I'm hoping it'll be at least once a week, given the constraints of
matching timetables. But , for me, once a month would not be enough.
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Comments (102)
1529050 - 08 Aug, 2022 - 04:01PM
This is quite interesting - due to time and work and life most of my IEs have been a monthly meet up for quality time, then occasionally for drinks/lunch/dinner with contact in between - no set rules just see how it goes......
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Paula99 - 08 Aug, 2022 - 02:53PM
It depends on the couple...if they both are determined to make it may start out at once a month...then end up twice a week ...never say never..๐
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Manfs82 - 02 Sep, 2020 - 12:25AM
I meet my ie once a month which works for us but when we are together its like we only saw each other the other day
I would say give it a chance but I would say we chat everyday.
We have now been meeting each other once a month for 4 years with the right person it won't matter
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A Bed of Roses - 31 Aug, 2020 - 09:34PM
Exactly right. Once a month is just not enough.
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Bella 1234 - 31 Aug, 2020 - 07:11PM
Twice a week should be ideal , one of the main reason of jVin N IE itโs for sex so once a month, no chance
1387952 - 30 Aug, 2020 - 07:36PM
Sportster1200L - 29 Aug, 2020 - 08:45AM
"Good luck managing 4 at the same time!"
I think most women, in the chatting phases, are in contact with waaay more than 4 guys at the same time.
If they only had to chat/manage time with 4 guys that would be easily doable.
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1397808 - 30 Aug, 2020 - 06:48PM
Iโve managed one a week in the past but much prefer once a fortnight. Every month and Iโd forget what they looked like! ๐๐
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1386735 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 10:41AM
Ideally for me once a week as I need sex, although I would settle for once a fortnight if the sex was good. If someone canโt manage that....then yes I would need to seek multiple lovers.
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1404215 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 10:31AM
once a week- fantastic ๐
Once a fortnight- great๐
Once a month - ok๐
Once every 3 months- waste of time โน
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1400267 - 29 Aug, 2020 - 09:44AM
Bella can see her IE weekly. If her IE can do once a month and she wants one other IE, it means that she has already lowered her expectation from meeting weekly to every other week!
I think it's very nice to be honest! Some should learn from her...
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