Keeping it cool
It's not easy to find someone conventionally when married, but IE has come through for me on multiple occasions. Recently I've hit it off with a gorgeous and smart woman, I get butterflies when I see her and stumble on my words, sometimes I loose my words entirely! Any tips on how to keep it cool this summer?
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Comments (64)
Ha1234 - 12 Aug, 2020 - 09:41AM
Try and enjoy every moment....its rare when that don't overthink things.
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1376462 - 12 Aug, 2020 - 09:35AM
Just be yourself and go with the flow
No need to artificial. They come to you because they like you for what you are
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Perfect moments - 12 Aug, 2020 - 09:16AM
Sounds like her beauty is leaving you speechless and I am sure she is very flattered.
Just be yourself and I am sure everything will be cool. Good luck to you both.
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1393321 - 12 Aug, 2020 - 09:16AM
Oh gosh! I've got the same situation!!! Lots of text messages, phone calls and video calls with someone so easy to talk to, I've lost interest in other potential IEs, I really need to reign it in too because we haven't even physically met yet due to shielding. I really don't want to over water it....
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