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First date

When do you know it's time to suggest going for dinner on a first date? Or are first date drinks more appropriate? x

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Comments (119)

1447655 - 14 Feb, 2024 - 06:18PM

Marlene...I've had 2 affairs from this place, one lasted over 2 years and between the three ladies there we've probably had more dates from this place than you've ever been kissed. On the 23rd of Jan when you were messaging me and foisting your own embarassing past encounter stories on me and your photograph I wasn't interested then either!

Shes irritating. Its not about morals, i couldn't be more up for women"s emancipation. Letting a mat RATE you isn't that. I'm just bored of reading her now.

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Marlen - 14 Feb, 2024 - 05:50PM

Ladies, do I spy the green eyed monster rearing it's head about a Sister?
LadyDe is reporting 3rd party comments, not self agrandisement.
Us men aren't brilliant at offering praise, so be thankful it was numerical and not related to sport!🤣
I thought we lived in an enlightened age. Ladies are entitled to be as gross/insensitive as us men, if they chose to.
Why not take it in the vein it was offered....each engagement got better.
You can't judge someone by having sex on a first date? How do you know that they haven't been chatting for weeks or months?
Better to know the facts before casting aspertions😁

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1447655 - 14 Feb, 2024 - 05:41PM

Temptress and FluffyCloud

I thought the asinine exchange with the Scotsman all over the forum was 'cringe' enough, now being rated?! Is it s&m play or exhibitionism where everything has to be played out for the public? If a guy 'rated' most of the women on here he wouldn't get a second chance to 're-rate', let alone a third. But I'm bored of the updates now, I don't remember anyone asking.

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FluffyClouds - 14 Feb, 2024 - 04:36PM

The Temptress -

Especially when they claim they're not looking for a ONS in their profile... yet have sex on a first meet, with a grading system on performance thrown in on top. To then announce it to all on the forum. Cringe.

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The Temptress - 14 Feb, 2024 - 07:45AM

LadyDe - 13 Feb, 2024 - 09:38

O I think you should remove Lady from your name. I’m glad you feel being rated is a compliment, how great for womankind.

Any woman who thinks it’s ok to be rated by a lover , please think again, no matter the situation you’re better than that. I rarely comment but this kind of drivel got my goat.

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LadyDe - 13 Feb, 2024 - 09:38PM

Great first date with Mr 13th …. He rated me a 7.5 … then the second 9.5 … then the third 9.5 ….😈💦 do you think he wants me to keep practicing 🤣🙄
Conclusion not a bad first date 🤭

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R Deckard - 11 Feb, 2024 - 12:27PM

Plan to meet for coffee/drinks - as it has been pointed out, you can wrap it up quickly if the chemistry isn't there. However, do have the foresight to book lunch/dinner nearby for around 1 hour later, in case things do go well and you want to keep talking, but your stomach is starting to growl.
My best first date was 1 hour over drinks, which we decided to extend to a 2 hour lunch in a restaurant nearby ("How lucky we got a table by just showing up!!" - she had no idea I had booked it). Followed by another 3 hours having more drinks in the same place.
Fortune favours those who prepare.

EmnEm123 - 08 Feb, 2024 - 06:46PM

@David Copperfield

You dodged a wrong un there.
I've met a couple of guys on here that weren't my type but as a normal human being, I could sit and make decent, polite conversation.
Only if someone was an absolute horror show would I do a runner and by that I mean personality not looks.

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1494077 - 08 Feb, 2024 - 01:24PM

Dinner, drinks or both. It really is up to the couple. I personally prefer food, but perhaps that relates to the elements that I would like in my IE partnership.

ExoticOrchid - 08 Feb, 2024 - 11:14AM

LadyDe - 12:29AM

Totally a hundred and ten percent with you on your comment to DC ... absolutely unacceptable behaviour on that woman's part ... definitely not a lady! How would she like it if a man did that to her!

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