What is the most attractive thing you find about a woman or a man?
For me it's eyes, an accent and a positive outlook on life :-)
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Comments (198)
1342637 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 10:32AM
Her lovely body shape
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1393321 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:50AM
For me intelligence and humor are first. I like a positive attitude. Chatty. Affectionate. Physically, a warm smile and genuine eyes. Needs to be a little taller than me, not hard as I'm 5ft 3. But I suppose the top thing is that he really, really enjoys a woman's pleasure. That's probably the most attractive thing in a man.
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Aznrose007 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:38AM
For me its the smile... a warm smile... a SOH and he must smell nice!!
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Secretaccomplice4u - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:33AM
Its not about one thing. Its the whole package.
They dont have to be the funniest, or have the best legs or prettiest eyes, or be the most intelligent. Obviously they have to pass your minimum criteria - height, looks, intelligence,etc
Each person brings something to the table.
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ClassyLady77 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:22AM
For me it’s about making me laugh and someone who’s equally as kinky as me.. . 😉
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1386735 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:14AM
Sense of humour is a big thing for me...a man could...laugh me into bed!
Also eyes, you know the I’m going to take you to bed and do naughty things to you, type eyes.
Hmmm I’m getting all hot and bothered now 😁
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1387952 - 23 Aug, 2020 - 09:06AM
An overall healthy well-being is what I look for, in mind and body.
By that I don't mean 6 pack abs... I don't find that attractive at all as it implies hours and hours fanatically spent in the gym while counting macros.
Just someone who is comfortable within themselves and doesn't find me intimidating and someone who likes to laugh... With me, not at me...
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