I need an alibi buddy! Any advice?
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Comments (119)
Gee72 - 13 Jan, 2025 - 08:39PM
If a single girl offer or help you out or give you a firing flavour as an alibi buddy. She should also be spoilt with some pampaming and gifts. Not just being alibi buddy.
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Lec2024 - 13 Jan, 2025 - 06:48PM
I haven’t told a soul. It’s the easiest way to keep things under wraps. I’ve used work before as an excuse which has worked well. If you need someone to lie for you then it’s already looking suspect
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Delicious Chaos - 13 Jan, 2025 - 06:47PM
People just need to have their own friends and not live in their spouses pocket. If that’s the case you will have no chance. So many contact me about only being able to meet during the day, particularly useful for those who are self employed.
I’m sorry but if I’m going to have an affair partner I want one that has some flexibility and not just looking for a quick lunchtime bunk up.
If you need an alibi then I suggest you probably need to rethink your choices
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marklondonengland - 13 Jan, 2025 - 11:59AM
You don't need a buddy and you don't need an alibi. Just create the situations where you are going to be away from home or out for the evening anyway. Once you have to create alibis or start behaving artificially then you are busted anyway!
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Clickable Connection - 13 Jan, 2025 - 09:24AM
Agree with has already been said here. I personally don't tell anyone about my encounters. I just feel I don't want them to be in position and lie for me.
Agree with Marlen - you gotta make your alibis more natural and part of the overall habits. Any sudden changes in your habits will definitely spark suspicions.
Eg I've always used work as a cover - I used work late and go out with clients and / or colleagues quite abit - so when I say this , it's not out side of my normal habits and does not spark suspicions.
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Marlen - 25 Jan, 2024 - 02:15AM
If you can't think of an alibi, you'll fail.
If you're predictable, changes in behaviour will always catch you out, especially if your OH is female, or possessive, or suspicious.
If you embark on this route, introduce changes to your habits gradually, so that you 'create' your alibi.
A great one is to go for a drive, 'because you've had a tough day' That won't work, if you don't drive🤣 But you get the idea.
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Paula99 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 04:57PM
You don’t need to find anyone to help you with an alibi ..if you have led separate lives in your marriage..the excuses are already in place ..
For those that have lived in their partners pockets you have to trust someone but who …
The way I look at it is …the only person who knows about my skeletons is ME …safest option
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KittySimone - 24 Jan, 2024 - 01:10AM
Find someone that gives you a valid and innocent reason for seeing them. Then you never have to lie.
1632896 - 02 Jan, 2024 - 09:53PM
Tell that to Hatt Mancock..!!
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