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I need an alibi buddy! Any advice?

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Comments (119)

LadyDe - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:41PM


I think to be honest no man can ever wear anything that is ladies think “omg I want to rip your clothes off” don’t get me wrong the right clothes are good on a man and make them handsome …
For men on the other hand stockings for us or even that tight dress that has the hint of what’s underneath, or that top that enhances those big cups 😉
Paula it will never be equal we definitely have more power 🤭😉🤣

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Doricles - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:32PM

Your question cannot be answered without some insight into what your other half knows or think they know? How have you been caught out? Did their name come up on your phone; were you seen with someone; did you arrive home late or maybe you were overtaken by events and stayed out overnight? Perhaps you said you’d gone somewhere and the ‘evidence’ against you tells a different story 🙁 But always remember, “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive” 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Paula99 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:30PM


If your relationship is open and you both agree with it …why are your arguments always one sided …aka always about the way you look and not him ??

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LadyDe - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:18PM

Well there is no way I could get away with an affair both me and husband work from home 24/7 we have separate social scenes but not often enough, and I’m greedy, I also can’t lie, it’s a Jim Carey Lair Lair problem …

How did I overcome it… I told him that we both need to have an affair …. So so lucky we are open. Don’t worry it does come with stress, we’ve had so many arguments how I look when I leave this house, so now have to leave looking boring 😉

Paula99 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 09:19PM

Mr E Mann/Hotrod1973…

It’s a good job you both know what you are doing 🙄🙄

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boav91 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 05:30PM

IE and I dont have an alibi but we build randomness into our lives and days so we may be in different places at different times but appear to be part of normal life and work. It means it does not look odd say for a day in London or an afternoon meeting in different places. It is all we can do so make the most of it.. Some things we would like to do wont work so we cannot do that, for example a weekend away. The more that you this and it fits into what would normally happen in your life e.g. I go away to conferences and stay in hotels normally, going away then become part of normal life. Does not lead to questions. The further away from what you normally would do takes place the more likely you are to slip up

Worked so far

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FluffyClouds - 27 Dec, 2023 - 05:09PM

If you don't have some sort of life outside your marriage, in other words, have a good social network, hobbies, interests (that your other half is not involved in) or a job that requires extended hours elsewhere then you're going to struggle to have an affair. Especially when your affair partner has all their ducks in a row and you don't. 🦆🦆🦆

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1638472 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 02:56PM

Find someone completely disconnected from your partner and whose path will never cross but make sure they are real

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1614937 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 01:10PM

Your friend's relationship has broken down over Christmas and you have to go and comfort/support them.

Hotrod1973 - 27 Dec, 2023 - 10:08AM

Fake illness - ate tòo much, over Christmas??

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