I need an alibi buddy! Any advice?
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Something_oblique - 10 Sep, 2020 - 03:04PM
Ok I've read these messages.
Listen I own my "affair". I know it could go wrong and I know my husband could find out. If he does then maybe it's best that we are honest. But my friends understand and I'd never ask them to lie to him if he asks I've told her to be honest. However I always text her where I am and reg of his car. Never never put yourself at risk.
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Dejavous - 05 Sep, 2020 - 07:28PM
Your alibi needs to be between you, yourself and nobody else. Once you involve someone else your secret is not a secret anymore.
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ExoticOrchid - 05 Sep, 2020 - 04:22PM
Cherry_X - 05 Sep, 2020 - 03:38PM
"what if your date turns out to be dangerous?"
There is a risk in everything I suppose ... first of all you will always, always meet in a public place and preferably in the day time ... secondly you need to trust your instinct ... thirdly, leave all the details you have of the person you are meeting at home or at your place of work if there is no one you can tell ... should anything horrific happen, at least there will be some sort of clue to that person!
We are talking worst case scenario of course.
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Cherry_X - 05 Sep, 2020 - 03:38PM
Just thinking... if you can't tell anyone, what if your date turns out to be dangerous?
I'm single so thankfully no need of alibi but I do tell a friend where I'm going for safety or so my horrific death can be avenged if necessary.
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Th3on3 - 31 Aug, 2020 - 09:10PM
I won’t need an excuse as I haven’t had any interest as yet. Maybe we should have an open letter called what do I have to do to get a convo started..... lol 😂
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Mitzi999 - 30 Aug, 2020 - 08:20AM
In theses pandemic times, “work” is not a believable excuse! Get a very horny good friend (or 2) to cover for you. It’s not the easiest and make sure you don’t get caught out!
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1353182 - 27 Aug, 2020 - 06:37AM
Too risky to share this with anyone! I always used ‘work’ as the excuse in the past!
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1354164 - 27 Aug, 2020 - 12:06AM
1400319 - 26 Aug, 2020 - 07:37PM
If you need an alibi then you probably are not managing your own expectations... It is rare to find someone who can't at least make up a reason to meet up at least once a month, if you want to meet up more think of better reasons or simply dont and go into an affair that is more infrequent in meets.
Aside from an alibi, in most cases informing others is a foolish and unnecessary risk.
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