Let's Get Physical
Is anyone else here because they no longer have a physical relationship at home? Me and my husband haven't even slept in the same bed for 6 years.
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Comments (68)
Premiumbond - 10 Sep, 2020 - 07:40PM
That’s why I’m here but there are not many ladies wanting to actually meet I find. There’s plenty of sexy chat which is a release & safe but not many willing to take the plunge I find !!! Hopefully others are having more success
1322667 - 10 Sep, 2020 - 07:40PM
ExoticOrchid - 10 Sep, 2020 - 07:21PM
We'll need to agree to disagree then. In my opinion, even in the Western world, such arrangements are not acceptable to a large number of people, whom I would argue constitute an overwhelming majority. Of course this is purely based on my social circle, which although is multi cultural, is only a minute part of the whole. Ymmv in this regard.
1117169 - 10 Sep, 2020 - 07:34PM
In many cultures it is the norm for married men to have a discreet , or even openly acknowledged and tolerated mistress or mistresses. Brazil has an established system of
" Love Hotels" rentable by the hour. That seems to work for them. Even countries with similar cultures as ours such as France and Italy it is widely accepted. I can't see it being accepted in the UK anytime soon. Maybe it will happen sooner or later and IE will no longer be needed but I doubt it.
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ExoticOrchid - 10 Sep, 2020 - 07:21PM
Iamgoingsupernova - 06:53PM
I was talking about the Western world where it is generally accepted ... certainly not universally accepted in ALL corners of the world, no.
1322667 - 10 Sep, 2020 - 06:53PM
ExoticOrchid - 10 Sep, 2020 - 06:10PM
Are those things really acceptable in all stratas of society in all parts of England or UK or Europe or the world? The acceptance that exists is a drop in the ocean, there's a long way to go still.
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ExoticOrchid - 10 Sep, 2020 - 06:10PM
Iamgoingsupernova - 05:21PM
Considering how it has been acceptable not to marry but live together and have children, etc without the stigma of bygone days, can people still keep blaming marriage for their relationship problems?
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gemini2310 - 10 Sep, 2020 - 06:01PM
Who knows maybe we have seperate bank accounts so he would not be spending my money lol
gemini2310 - 10 Sep, 2020 - 05:22PM
Glad it made you laugh hope mine is he's a lovely man just lost my spark for him he deserves a nice lady friend we have not been intimate for years
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