I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice would be appreciated
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Comments (105)
Miss moneypity - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:22AM
My preference would be once a week tbh
But I know some people can’t manage that
My friend on here meets her ie once a month
That wouldn’t work for me
That would feel like a dentist appointment or an eye test 🤓
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1403402 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:03AM
Actually, although it’s a bit ‘off piste’, as a newcomer here I’d be interested to know Ladies expectations of meeting frequency too.
Excuse my ignorance here, but as a newbie I’m on a learning curve?
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Miss moneypity - 15 Sep, 2020 - 09:51AM
I would let it be organic
As the previous posts have said play it by ear and either have the discussion or just let it flow
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1322667 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 09:17AM
I have always had an open and frank conversation on this. It depends on both of your circumstances, and intentions. I'd suggest you each put forward your preference and align expectations so you both get what you are looking for
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1408335 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 09:04AM
Kind of depends on her does it not. Some like a lot some happy with every few days. Until you have sussed that I'd go conservative and see what the response is? Sometimes too much is seen as pressure.
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