I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice would be appreciated
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Comments (105)
1637376 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 01:12PM
Every day, my friend, just to say hello and show an interest
LadyDe - 26 Dec, 2023 - 11:47AM
Communication is a must or it’s just mechanical.. an everyday good morning have a great day at least, knowing how and when they can message, normally wkends are a no-go as I assume they’re with family… but if there’s no communication inbetween you might as well meet and leave the money on the side, if you catch my drift 🤭😈
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boav91 - 26 Dec, 2023 - 09:37AM
For me it depends on the relationship and the individual circumstances. There does need to be some sort of regular communication to develop any form of connection otherwise it is just a way of making arrangements. IF you want more than that then there needs to be more. The level of that will depend on the couple. My IE and I message a lot when we can but I know others cannot and dont want to do that. Intimacy is about connection for me and that is mental as well. that only comes from communication but I realise others are in different situations so as I say it depends
there is no rule IMO to this but if both sides are satisfied it is right if one side is not then maybe you need to communicate about that too ;).
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1117169 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 01:00PM
How long is a piece of string?
Answer. As long as you want it to be or it needs to be.
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1365082 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 12:07PM
Ask her what her expectations are, be honest and say you’re not sure, we’re all different : )
1091782 - 22 Sep, 2020 - 09:45PM
I would suggest you discuss it between you 🤷
1335218 - 20 Sep, 2020 - 11:18PM
Would be nice to be in that situation.😀
tea_coffee_me_ - 19 Sep, 2020 - 08:52AM
"Verylonglegs -
Whatever you do, don’t do what my new IE did and send me a message that was clearly meant for someone else!"
lol I have had that happen to me several times :-)
'tis fun :-)
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1266637 - 19 Sep, 2020 - 08:21AM
Very long legs , ditto iv had that , which proves the saying about men and multitasking 😁
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