I have just started seeing a new IE - how often should I message her inbetween meets? Any advice would be appreciated
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Comments (105)
Helena789 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 08:46PM
whenever she tells you to, her rules !!
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Chezley - 16 Sep, 2020 - 12:51PM
Some folk are just a bit obsessive with technology and have to feed a habit. Others can be fearful of it and I wonder how they manage.
When it gets to multiple platforms it's too much to deal with for me. I can do it but it just seems silly and can really waste your day.
Comms should settle into something mutual such that neither is inconvenienced and avoids ennui.
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1153079 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 11:24AM
I would agree that it's something to try and discuss, but you can also judge a little bit by the brevity of the replies.
Sometimes we're all busy and a short reply is better than none, but perhaps you need to suggest a time when you can both indulge in a conversation, rather than just a snatched "Hi" and "Bye"?
boyoboy1965 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 11:08AM
I like to make contact at least once a day, even if only by email, as it is such a pleasure to know that there is someone out there away from the everyday routine that is thinking of you. And, definitely straight after a date, every date, not just the first.
Other than that I tend to be guided by the lady; if they respond quickly then I would too if possible, and some lovely prolonged 'chats' can develop like that.
One of my favourite experiences like that was, remarkably, with a lady I met not here, but through playing 'Words With Friends', flirty/dirty scrabble can be such fun. Not that I recommend WWF for that sort of thing you understand, IE is the best!
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Roxy Gee - 16 Sep, 2020 - 07:16AM
I expect to be contacted straight after a date and every day ti be wooed c Part of the pleasure od ab IE is that feeling go naughtiness in between dates xx
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1408195 - 16 Sep, 2020 - 12:02AM
I love getting a little messafe every day. Even just a morning or a hi!
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gemini2310 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 11:21PM
tea coffee me
They have there mobile with them so can contact straight away lol
tea_coffee_me_ - 15 Sep, 2020 - 11:16PM
"gemini2310 -
If I don't hear from them as soon as I get home from on a first date coffee or lunch I just block them I do not wait 4 days"
I tend to give benefit of doubt and travel time can be longer! .... however, generally have mentally moved on long before then.
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Zara1981 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 11:05PM
Ahhh this is interesting. I tend to follow their lead... if the texting when getting to know somebody is slow I tend to think I’m one of many and withdraw .
I like the feeling of electric in the air with text knowing I’m on their mind far more than I should be !
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gemini2310 - 15 Sep, 2020 - 10:54PM
tea coffee me
If I don't hear from them as soon as I get home from on a first date coffee or lunch I just block them I do not wait 4 days
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