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To Clown or Not to Clown?

What's better - a witty, tongue in cheek profile, or something more genuine/serious?
Do women prefer funny or earnest 🙂

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Comments (190)

1645347 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 08:14PM

I have just joined, so I do not know yet! I have a cheeky nature, I'm a bit of a leg puller, but love to have my leg pulled too!

marklondonengland - 24 Jan, 2024 - 06:28PM

If you have to ask here what women prefer then good luck out there... if your character is earnest and serious then be serious. If you are more laid back then have fun with the profile. Is this really rocket science?

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Paula99 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 03:10PM

Capital guy…

You’re not doing anything wrong and sex 3/4times a week is a marathon for a woman..
She needs to try another outlet …as I see it will never change unless she realises that’s it’s her that needs some help…you can support her and encourage her to find another way to climax…clearly she is ultra sensitive..👍

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sparktacus - 24 Jan, 2024 - 01:54PM

A balance must be found :) being funny doesn't mean having tonnes of jokes in the profile. At the same time, not writing an essay to show how serious you are :)) do you show offs in tje chat :)))

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1447655 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 01:30PM


I'd ask her about her own play-time, can she achieve multiple orgasms on her own. Orgasms are often like waves fir women, growing in strength each time. But not everyone is the same and she may simply be too sensitive for contact. Or, go for different types of orgasms that finish with an internal one. Maybe a bullet might help for a clitoral one, then a blended one, then others. It could simply be that after a few times per week for a few years the supply has simply exceeded the demand...

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Purple dreamer - 24 Jan, 2024 - 12:14PM

Why can't we be greedy and have both !!!!

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LadyDe - 24 Jan, 2024 - 10:28AM


As MEM says you’ve answered your own question ..
If it’s been going on for yrs like you say and 3-4 times a week and she’s coming back for more then you’re obviously doing something RIGHT ..
if it’s you on the other hand that wants more for yourself then I don’t need to draw you diagrams if you want to extend your intimacy time before it’s all over with coffee 🤭
Maybe she could satisfy you first, extend the foreplay, then your second time will be together (crumbs trying to sound ladylike here) 🤭
But you know what sometimes we only want one and not long hrs in session if seeing someone 3-4 times a week 🤣

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1614937 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 09:39AM

capitalguy3 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 09:15AM

You've answered your own question: "...it’s not something she seeks. What am I doing wrong?". If she doesn't want it, it's not going to happen.

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capitalguy3 - 24 Jan, 2024 - 09:15AM

My IE lover and I have a problem most men would love.

She can only climax during penetrative sex and does so very quickly. - I have to keep her on the edge for what seems like ages before I’m ready to join her.

Then it’s all over. No seconds, which I would love she just goes to the bathroom and makes us coffee.

I’m not complaining as we have sex 3/4 times per week and have done for many years but does have any ideas for extending our sessions? I’ve made her climax twice a few times and would love to make this a regular occurrence but it’s not something she seeks. What am I doing wrong?

1521337 - 06 Jun, 2022 - 07:59PM

Boris somehow gets away with it!

It could be time for the IE admin team to revamp the ‘profile generator’. Reading for the umpteenth time about ‘ a partner in crime’ or ‘ I’m more Eastenders than Crossroads’ wears very thin.

A genuine profile is so much more appealing. And I’m not on here to stay in and watch soaps! Happy to stay in, but with the TV off…

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