Can you remember a most tender moment?
Can you remember a most tender and simple moment between you and your lover?
Someone once said to me that he loved the way my nose crinkled as I smiled. It was so sweet. I cannot forget that moment.
A memory of a tender moment often lives longer than the affair itself.
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Comments (58)
ExoticOrchid - 08 Nov, 2020 - 02:04PM
Cindylou60 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 08:10PM
It was "Bridges of Madison County" with Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep ... I read the story and then saw the movie ... so, so sad ... doing the "right thing" can be heartbreaking.
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1413266 - 08 Nov, 2020 - 12:39PM
@Autumn willow
Don't worry about the age difference. Just go with it if he makes you feel that way. So many say it but it is still very true.... life is tooo short. No regrets.
1413266 - 08 Nov, 2020 - 12:36PM
I had an affair with a woman 27 yrs younger thsn me. It was mad and all about sex. However, we were lying in each others arms after a fumble and she just kissed the top of my head slowly and lovingly and squeezed me just that little bit harder. My heart flipped.
1317379 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 08:10PM
We were lying on the bed and a ray of warm sun shone on us through the blinds. We were talking and laughing and then we looked into each others eyes,kissed tenderly and just knew...He told me a poignant story about a film 'bridge over Madison County' about a couple who loved each other but couldn't be together, they parted but never forgot each other for the rest of their lives.
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Naughty_at_Knight - 03 Oct, 2020 - 08:16AM
Making love in a hot tub in a secluded glamping pod in the Highlands. It was late January, the temperature was sub zero with snow all around and there wasn't a cloud in the night sky so all the stars were crystal clear. Was amazing!
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theartoftouch - 02 Oct, 2020 - 07:25PM
No I cannot after I realised she was the ugly witch. Revitalises fairy tales. Which one?
MrDarcy2020 - 25 Sep, 2020 - 11:21PM
Two things, kissing her neck & hearing her french accent. I miss both so much
Amygdala - 25 Sep, 2020 - 04:03PM
Two words...... forehead kisses 💋💋
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1392431 - 23 Sep, 2020 - 10:55PM
Being told I was beautiful and incredibly sexy for the first time in many years!
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Roger1999 - 22 Sep, 2020 - 10:43PM
She came round once after a long day at work on her way home once
She was tired.
There was nothing for it but to get under the duvet and just have a snuggle until google woke us up
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