Lockdown x2
I've been such a good girl since March, behaving, laying tracks, making
friends and not risking. Today I'm in hampstead with work and Boris made
his speech. Something primal took over, saying I'm not waiting six months
to enjoy the passion and excitement of an older guy.... so I flirted with
the best looking lad in the local pub and took him back to the premier inn.
Am I stupid? Risky? I did vet him first, but I thought no way can I go
another six months xxxx please be frank and honest xx
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Comments (77)
1413266 - 14 Nov, 2020 - 11:46PM
Oh just go for it girl. Life is too short. Good on ya! Xx
Longlicks123 - 14 Nov, 2020 - 11:38PM
Go for it,in life we make some bad decisions maybe but those decisions are rarely mistakes and anyway after 6 months who cares
Miss Shortie - 09 Oct, 2020 - 10:01PM
Whatever floats your boat, anyway it’s now in the past and you can’t change it. So if you feel it was a mistake “lesson learnt if not celebrate 🎉
1317379 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 04:23PM
He was lucky,I hope he gave you a good tip 😄
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1412422 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 02:56PM
In life and love there will always be risks but ask yourself how much are you will be gamble?
Is the reward worth the risk?
That's only something that you can answer.
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1303634 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 12:13PM
@maria jones. That day sounds like a great day
1303634 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 12:12PM
Go for it! If this year has taught us anything its seize the day
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