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How far is too far?

How far is reasonable for an IE ,I don't drive but am happy to travel by train for meetings within an hour seems reasonable to me
How far have others travelled?

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Comments (74)

Roger1999 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 08:00PM

If i contact someone whos profile sounds nice i sometimes ask if the distance is too far just to get the question out the way early on.

An hour is ok if you have a hotel to spend the day together but closer is better....but not too close πŸ˜‰

1117169 - 05 Oct, 2020 - 06:34AM


I get what you say. I once flew to Texas to meet a girl I had been chatting to for years online. It was an adventure but it wasn't sustainable.

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Maria Jones - 04 Oct, 2020 - 11:21PM

theres no limit if you really like someone

if you dont then an hour max

WolfDancer2015 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 10:46PM

I drive, and my rule is driving no more than 45 minutes, each way. Any further and it limits the time you can be together. The time together is key, not into quickies, prefer to take my time with my lover!

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Jakegrimes - 04 Oct, 2020 - 09:31PM

No idea. Never done this before 🀷😊

Flirty2707 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 09:12PM

Max 30 mins drive each as for me time is limited and any further and no time to b together

1366319 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 08:44PM

An hour at the most, ideally 30-40 minutes away

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PecanPie - 04 Oct, 2020 - 08:06PM

1hr max

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ExoticOrchid - 04 Oct, 2020 - 05:39PM


Absolutely ... they then use it as an excuse when they want to move on! πŸ™„

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1386735 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 05:18PM

An hour tops, half an hour even better. Those guys who say the don’t mind doing the travelling...believe me they do after a while! πŸ™„

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