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How far is too far?

How far is reasonable for an IE ,I don't drive but am happy to travel by train for meetings within an hour seems reasonable to me
How far have others travelled?

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Comments (74)

Trwela - 04 Oct, 2020 - 01:03PM

I have only had one affair and it was mind-blowingly stunning. I then lived near Norwich and she was the West Midlands which was 2.5 hours away. The affair started as friendship with extras and we would meet at least once a month but this would be at conferences and courses. We both travelled so were used to it. It lasted 3 years but ended with a fatal car crash on the M6. I have no regrets and have been through sadness but remember the so many good times we always had together. So in answer you your question. Distance shouldn't be a question for the right person.

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Matt4375 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 12:47PM

Living in Cornwall I would say up to Somerset which is just over 2 hours

Jake Jekyll - 04 Oct, 2020 - 10:45AM

@ Raisondetre

Totally agree with your first sentence. Quality over travel issues.

1117169 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 10:28AM

@ Naughty

I don't agree that less than an hour or 40 miles is necessarily risky, in fact it is usually less risky if you stay within the area that you usually frequent because if something untoward happens it can be accounted for and explained wheras you can't if it happens where you don't normally go.

You obviously must try to ensure that where you meet your IE and or go with them is not somewhere where you might bump into your partner of course and as most of us have routines and well trodden paths you will know where they are likely to be at any given time so that is not that difficult. There is a risk that you might bump into colleagues, friends and neighbours of course so you need to keep an eye out gor them and have a ready explanation. Its amazing how many people dont recognise each other out of context anyway.

There is always some element of risk that can't be avoided.

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Raisondetre - 04 Oct, 2020 - 10:23AM

Well it's tough enough to find the right person, which is surely more important than nit picking over distance.

Alternatively pay a prostitute and save time! Shaking head

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1394019 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 09:35AM

In short, it should fit your circumstances. Someone once said to me that a good starting point was an hour travelling time or 40 miles, each way. Any more and it made it unsustainable, any less and the risks are evident.

I’ve kind of kept that thought and it’s stood me on good stead.

1117169 - 04 Oct, 2020 - 09:32AM

The consensus seems to be about an hour. Does that help?

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Needguidance46 - 03 Oct, 2020 - 11:46PM

Each to their own really. Personally upto a couple of hours drive from Cambridge is.plenty enough for me.? There's always going to be an exception, like everything.

Mick12344 - 03 Oct, 2020 - 10:43PM

Everyone's circumstances vary, obviously, and I've yet to stick my toe into the world of IE but I think it's whatever you're happy with. You get out what you put in. I'm in Norfolk and the roads are pretty dire but more central could mean easier and further for the same amount of time.

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Mambo_Italiano - 03 Oct, 2020 - 10:18PM

Depends if you like the person and feel the connection for what your after. I have no limit as the whole purpose of this experience and site is for adventure which I think people forget. I understand people have life commitments but you should limit yourself to an age or driving time etc ... just follow your gut/heart ... imagine those explorers who went out to sea searching new lands .. imagine if some dipstick said we better turn the boat back now as we been sailing for 30 min and all we see is blue sea around us lol! Good luck!

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