At what age does a man become a turn off?
Having been on here a couple of weeks I don't seem to get much response.
So I thought there must be a reason. Are my messages rubbish, my
personality not good or is it my age?. I'm a genuine 69 and a half. I have
all my faculties and my libido is sky high!
Any clues Ladies?
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Comments (45)
Your Sexy Woman - 10 Oct, 2020 - 11:56PM
Given that I need a man who has enthusiasm for me for a few hours at a time, I have found men older than late 50s, tend to tire ... so tend to avoid men older than that.
I have surprised one though who had never managed more than once before in his life, age 55, and managed 3 times in one day. So he surprised himself and it turned into a regular achievement and our friendship lasted over 2 years.
So for me, age matters ...
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Cancer - 10 Oct, 2020 - 01:45PM
Cindylou I was too taken aback and then laughing at how on earth he thought it ok to ask! I shall hold that thought for next time tho x
1399985 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 07:32PM
Many others have said it before but definitely wise to check the age range people are looking for on their profile. I have spoken to men who are older than stated on my profile but only when they have mentioned that they are slightly out of my preferred age range in their message, otherwise it's just a really clear indication that they haven't bothered to read my profile.
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1317379 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 04:09PM
Cancer, you should've asked him if he has any erectile dysfunction.
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Cancer - 09 Oct, 2020 - 04:08PM
Gemini2310 yeah I figured the same. But was soon able to laugh at it, just bizarre that he thought it ok to ask that question!
gemini2310 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 03:53PM
Omg how rude asking you that I would of soon told him what to go and do should of asked him how fat his wife is
Cancer - 08 Oct, 2020 - 11:25PM
I had an older gentleman message me, perfectly polite, then ask me “so how fat are you”.....
Age doesn’t always mean manners or positive experience. I’m body confident and happy with my weight, but there are ways to ask these things and ways to just piss me off. he got blocked for that.
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1401566 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 10:10PM
Well can only comment 1 week in but I've kept my chosen messages to 5 or 6 of the profiles that I thought looked great and not one reply even though all read. I can assure you my intro and profile is low key and polite. On here to make friends but surely doesn't have to take over your life chasing people otherwise might aswell go to the next singles night in town?
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