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Successful IE?

How many of those following successful IE’s would say they ended up with who they anticipated?

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Comments (170)

gemini2310 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 06:58PM

Not me no nothing like the type I go for and as stating in another message they nearly all day they want exclusive when we meet but no one would know how many they have on the go

1317379 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 05:19PM

It's like looking for a needle in a haystack...very lucky to find someone who suits you. Trouble is you have no idea who they are, if they're telling the truth or seeing others. Chances are a website full of cheaters aren't likely to be the most honest of types lol

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Maria Jones - 12 Oct, 2020 - 04:42PM

Yes. Every time

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Classycougar - 12 Oct, 2020 - 04:20PM

Oh yes, yes, yes!!!! 🥰

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Roger1999 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 03:17PM

@Beautiful Lover

I got no idea how anyone (particularly married and/or living together) could find the time for multiple affairs at the same time.

Now that's multi tasking

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gemini2310 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 03:11PM

I have really found anyone with the wow factor yet and attraction has to be from both which I think is very hard to find and both want the same things yes there are time wasters and some just wanting sxx I only want an old fashioned affair there's alot of different things people want and need from here

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Beautiful Lover - 12 Oct, 2020 - 01:29PM

My time on here has led me to 4 meetings.
The first guy was everything I'd hoped for but he couldn't commit to just having one affair.
The second guy was my Mr Perfect, or so I thought. He showed his true colours after only 2 weeks. Another one who couldn't commit to having one affair.
Guy No 3 met me and has ignored me since then.
Guy No 4 seems keen but unfortunately he didn't rock my boat when we met.
I dont want to go for a No 5. Its not good for your mental health.
You would think that they could at least be faithful especially when they are already cheating on their partner. If you want multiple relationships then please be honest and upfront before the meeting.

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Roger1999 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 01:06PM

I had absolutely no preconceptions about who i was likely to meet if any during my two periods of active membership.

I was lucky enough to meet someone who was the right person for me and we had an amazing 12 months together.

However, ive also been on the other end and had endless chat which led no where.
I guess not everyone has quite reached that point and may need some time so i try to be patient.

Doc Johnson - 12 Oct, 2020 - 10:28AM

The point of an affair for me is to find someone different, exciting and outside my comfort zone as this adds to the excitement. I want to escape and live a fantasy and I have been lucky enough to have experienced this. I fear that anticipation would hold me back.

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1413217 - 12 Oct, 2020 - 09:13AM

I've met half a dozen on here in three periods of active membership.

I've had two serious full on affairs.

One was brilliant and so much more than was, "on the label" Another was within expectation and we had great fun times.

I think I ended up previously with who I'd anticipated so yes.

The bigger question is how many people you chat and interact with that fail to meet a degree of anticipation or indeed expectation. Within that number I've found so many who talk the talk but won't commit to actually, walking the walk. In other words wanting a full on affair!

That said I can now usually spot a time waster or dreamer. Just have to ask the right questions!

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