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Ideal date ...

Describe your ideal date... go! 

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Comments (115)

ExoticOrchid - 30 Jan, 2024 - 06:49PM

Hedone - 06:04PM

What a pity we cannot N&S people like this guy (yes gals too).

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Delicious Chaos - 30 Jan, 2024 - 06:04PM

I had my ideal date last week, sexual chemistry, said all the right things, good laughs, great interaction, lots of messaging afterwards and the rest etc etc. Boom ghosted….

Moral of the story, even if your first, second or third date is amazing, just remember you can be ghosted with no good reason. Keep your guard up ladies

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Funguy77 - 30 Jan, 2024 - 03:06PM


I’ll be your ONS just say the word and I’m on a plane with my haggis in hand 😜

FluffyClouds - 30 Jan, 2024 - 01:46PM

LadyDe -

Only you can decide that. Maybe if you've not had sex for a long time you may have a ONS, but why should it be just that if you've been messaging for a long time? It doesn't correlate to me long conversations and ONS tbh

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LadyDe - 29 Jan, 2024 - 10:37PM

Mmmm interesting I’m conflicted … don’t want a ONS but if the texting is great and for quite sometime. It’s a minefield as to what’s the right answer ……

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giggly hamster - 29 Jan, 2024 - 10:29PM


the original question was to describe an ideal date - I'd be happy she'd find my eyes pointed the right way and my teeth were straight and stuck around for the rest of the evening instead of struggling like the cute cat that peppy le pew always tries to schmooze over ... everything on from there is a bonus.

Obviously leaning forward to take more of her in and not having your elbow slide off the side of a round table is a bonus. as well. This last sentence was brought to you by the cold hard light of day.

giggly hamster - 29 Jan, 2024 - 10:00PM


No set answer to that one. Only the individuals can answer that. to have the former would mean that it's just electric.

The latter, means that you have something to look forward to and play over in your mind and dream up all sorts of lip biting scenarios and permutations. Anticipation and looking forward to something makes the next time all the more sweeter as well.

1326897 - 29 Jan, 2024 - 09:54PM

Lots of budding authors. Wonder if they were actual or fantasy dates

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1326897 - 29 Jan, 2024 - 09:53PM


if by passion you mean sex then no. Not something I’m into on a first date. However I understand why people do. Time being precious etc

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LadyDe - 29 Jan, 2024 - 08:47PM

Ah now reading these dates, does the first date for people end in passion… or with a wink and a tease with anticipation for next time ????

Would actually like to hear your views

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