Ask me out!
I have a massive crush on someone here, but I'm a bit nervous to suggest a date. Been talking for awhile now, non stop! I keep catching myself smiling every time I get a message. I can't work out why he hasn't asked me out yet! What do I do?
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Comments (167)
1333643 - 13 Nov, 2020 - 10:59PM
You may not like him once you meet him. Or he may be chatting to lots of other women. Better to just meet sooner . We often build up relationships in our heads and then real life disappoints us. So yes suggest a walk outside and coffee etc. And be prepared that most men are shorter than they put on here and add 3 years for age at least. Good luck!
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Rubins - 12 Nov, 2020 - 09:09AM
He may think you another chat only do nothing but then again he may be as well.
The beauty of IE's is honesty, get on with it, coffee date take away even now, if people cannot meet for coffee then what chance forming a friendship?
What do I know?
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1420654 - 07 Nov, 2020 - 11:31AM
Ask him!
You have nothing to lose. If you meet great, if you don't then it's his loss.
1420270 - 04 Nov, 2020 - 06:39PM
Take the bull by the horns and take the plunge..... remember you are a long time dead
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ExoticOrchid - 04 Nov, 2020 - 05:34PM
GoofyLE - 04 Nov, 2020 - 03:00PM
"Is it me?"
Depends if you've been "talking for awhile now, non stop!" with a lady here and you still haven't asked her out???
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1417573 - 04 Nov, 2020 - 08:31AM
I would just go for it!
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