Ask me out!
I have a massive crush on someone here, but I'm a bit nervous to suggest a date. Been talking for awhile now, non stop! I keep catching myself smiling every time I get a message. I can't work out why he hasn't asked me out yet! What do I do?
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Comments (167)
LonghairedDom - 12 Sep, 2022 - 09:28PM
He might be nervous about crossing that line.....if he has never done so before, so I think you need to lead on this. This is my first foray back on here after a decade or so....when I met a fantastic affair that lasted a couple of years. It took me a few months to bite the bullet and cross the line. Now, I'm less shy of course...but he may well be anxious. x
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KatieO - 07 Jul, 2022 - 06:07PM
Take the lead and suggest a date if he makes excuses you will start to question who he is or if he’s genuine x
Sana2022 - 16 Jun, 2022 - 07:03PM
Hey there, I think you should ask him out! Don’t let it go, it might be that special SPARK!!!!
EmnEm123 - 16 Jun, 2022 - 04:53PM
I don't know what love island is, seriously.
My contact lenses are hurting. Full stop.
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Paula99 - 16 Jun, 2022 - 02:43PM
Davvide...might look like a Italian God...but he's as dull as dishwater...😬...he sounds like Gino the chef but without a personality...
1382700 - 16 Jun, 2022 - 01:46PM
Do you look like a young Michelle Pfeiffer
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